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“bankruptcy law”簡單造句,bankruptcy law造句子

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Then, it evaluates and analyses the provisions of the discharge system in the new bankruptcy law draft of China, and points out the deficiency of the draft.

The bankruptcy law should limit the debtor 's property right and personality - status right during and after the case, but all limitation would be regained by "right - regain" system.

It has taken a global financial crisis to get some countries to revamp their bankruptcy laws, but Mexico did so ten years ago.

bankruptcy law造句

The economic law value orientation of the new bankruptcy law lies in the socialized production.

With lenders in most countries seeing their rights under bankruptcy law curtailed, they might have been expected to insist on more safeguards upfront.

By strange coincidence, a convention of bankruptcy lawyers was meeting down the hall from the auction.

Like the restructuring executives, bankruptcy lawyers seem defiant and want to make sure precedents aren't set that would make it easier to curb fees in the future.

The UAE already has a bankruptcy law but almost no one uses it.

establish uniform bankruptcy laws; coin money and regulate its value; fix standards of weights and measures;

Lawyer Hao majors in civil and commercial law, with inclination tocompany law, negotiable instrument law, bankruptcy law, contract law, insurancelaw, matrimonial and family law, succession law, and aviation law.

Rossi, who attended Harvard law school in the 1950s and wrote a book on American bankruptcy law, made his name as a corporate lawyer keen on market rules and their enforcement.

Slowly but surely, however, bankruptcy law has changed in favour of the corporate debtor.

Yet most bankruptcy laws are geared to the leisurely counting of assets or liabilities in an industrial firm over months, sometimes years.

But the credit crisis has delayed that development, and instead of finding buyers, smaller firms are finding bankruptcy lawyers.

The Congress passed a new bankruptcy law.

Theexplanation lies in a change in the American bankruptcy law in October 2005, which made going bust less attractive for borrowers.

In 2007 China adopted a new bankruptcy law-its first since 1949 and 11 years in the making-that makes it easier to restructure insolvent firms.

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