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Launching a corps of volunteers as ambassadors for peace in distant centers of the globe.

But Gandara remained open to Greek influences and the successors of Chandragupta and Seleucus continued to exchange ambassadors.

Ten years ago, he served and I served on a school reform board that was funded by one of Ronald Reagan's former ambassadors and close friends.

And though the lords were clad in their red and white ermine cloaks and ambassadors from around the world wore colourful national costumes, at least nobody turned up in a suit of armour. Illegal.

ambassadors and ministers plenipotentiary

He was not at ease with those who made diplomacy their profession, particularly ambassadors.

All Latin American countries and Spain (although not the United States) have withdrawn their ambassadors pending Mr Zelaya's reinstatement.

In all cases affecting ambassadors, other public ministers and consuls, and those in which a state shall be a party, the Supreme Court shall have original jurisdiction.

Generals, ministers, tribal leaders and at least a dozen ambassadors have all abandoned the increasingly isolated President to side with the protest movement that has been calling for him to go.

The main way was between the ambassadors of the two countries and the North Korea ambassadors went to Ming-Dynasty to trade permitted or not is more important.

I have also exchanged views with dozens of ministers, ambassadors and even Presidents and Prime ministers, from every continent.

They also frequently act as "cultural ambassadors," translating for parents and mediating between them and the outside world, says Carola Suarez-Orozco.

Kennedy, greatly admiring, rated him very high among his ambassadors.

The women ambassadors with people's hearts in the heart are very respectful. Ambassador Fu Ying, we respect you!

Fivla a and Vitamin have been dubbed "pony ambassadors" to help promote the campaign, which features a year's worth of activities and insider tips on exploring Scotland's natural beauty.

The second paragraph states the routes the ambassadors took and the reasons they visited.


The president is responsible for the designation of ambassadors.

On his return, he and Buzz Aldrin, the second moon walker on that Apollo 11 flight, went on a 45-day, around-the-world tour as NASA ambassadors.

After the expulsion of America's ambassadors to Venezuela and Bolivia, Mr Correa hastened to say that he would not be following suit.

CWP employees are not salesmen but wine ambassadors with a worthwhile mission to spread the wine culture to as many people as possible thus bringing more fun and richer rewards to life itself.

EU ambassadors to Sofia, who have just been told of the plan, are also sceptical.

During their tour in Yueyang, the ambassadors visited Yueyang Tower, Junshan Isle and Zhangguying Village.

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