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Filtering firewalls are more or less transparent to the user.

Cabin walls have been replaced with a skeletal structure and transparent membrane.

The use of statistical view for one or more queries is transparent, without having to directly reference to it.

A transparent almost pure gelatin prepared from the air bladder of the sturgeon and certain other fishes and used as an adhesive and a clarifying agent.

"Following its entry into the organization, China will steadily expand its opening up program in terms of commodity and services trade, create a level playing field for a fair and transparent competition between Chinese and overseas enterprises"

Men are most afraid of being like peach, which is sweet and hard, but hard inside. A man is most like a coconut, and the shell is strong enough to withstand the blow, and the heart is clear and transparent.

A thin, transparent gauze of silk or cotton muslin.

He carefully stripped away the transparent paper and took out a valuable stamp.

These dressings( including transparent dressings, hydrocolloid dressings, and hydrogels) may be used in combination with topical agents or by themselves.

The figure allegedly appears when the 15th Century mural painting is superimposed with its mirror image, and both are made partially transparent.

If we prefer not to have the small dead space, we need to use a flat color behind the tabs, then use this color in the corner of our tab images instead of making them transparent.

A sodium chloride crystal is transparent to visible light.

The content transformation is managed by the bus: it is transparent for any participating service.

But to the world beyond Westminster, a ten-minute prime minister would surely seem a transparent and absurd ruse.

A transparent roof spanning 300 meters without any central supports. A device to display integrated anatomical information from a ct scan with live functional information from a PET scan.

This must be a transparent bandage over the right eye.

But by making the process of buying and selling food more transparent and predictable, everyone should benefit.

Because many programmers have existing data that does not reside in DB2 UDB databases, IBM offers both transparent access to this data with federation capabilities.

Chiffon is a kind of thin, almost transparent fabric.

You’ve stepped into a transparent box, one of four that jut four and a half feet from the tower, hanging from cantilevered steel beams above your head.


They lies on the transparent cobweb.

Their gauzy skirts had brushed up from the grass innumerable files and butterflies which, unable to escape, remained caged in the transparent tissue as in an aviary.

Note that this update process is totally transparent to both the developer and the end-user.

We pride ourselves on our transparent, disciplined and repeatable investment process.

Examples of this semi-transparent technique including bundling a hotel stay with airfare or a stay with a car rental.

use transparent film as a wrap

Right now, a transparent airplane like this one is nothing more than a technological fantasy, in which the plane's outer skin would be made of a special futuristic type of ceramic.

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