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“change course”簡單造句,change course造句子

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But it provided cover for the United States to change course and declare that it would recognise the result of the election.

Greece must change course to avoid a grim future for its people: it must default on its debt and exit the eurozone.

Senator Joe Biden, the ranking Democrat on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, argues that the only way to change course in Iraq is if Democrats and Republicans work together.

In travel, everything is as it is, and there's always another day to change course and choose again.

Now is not the time for the president to dig in to a neutral posture. It is time to change course.

And we will pursue engagement with hostile nations to test their intentions, give their governments the opportunity to change course, reach out to their people, and mobilize international coalitions.

change course造句

For some students, the best option is to change course entirely.

Sometimes we set out in one direction and then decide, for some reason, we want to change course. This is fine and even necessary.

Obama has shown, during both his campaign and the opening weeks of his presidency, a responsiveness to criticism and a willingness to change course that could, once again, keep him on track.

I hope, for our sake as well as theirs, that the Europeans will change course before it's too late.

If you don't like the answer, now is the time to change course.

For years, greens said adaptation—coping with climate change, rather than stopping it—was a bit like putting out a fire on the Titanic: desirable, no doubt, but the main thing was to change course.

After inspecting the rural economic change course of Xinzheng, we find that the development of village economy has close tie with the system of using land.

After a 10 years carrier as an f-16 navigator in the Israeli air force, he decided to change course in life - taking off the uniforms and dedicating it to his love to the cinema.

But in those times, our true friends will demand better of us and we will change course.

I can't remember a single eel cruise when there hasn't been a typhoon that's caused us to change course.

Tags:造句 change
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