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7、He admits his mediocrity, while comparing his bulging looks to those of the bottom-dwelling loach (see article).

11、 The door of the classroom was open, and the two of us went in and saw that the classroom was in a mess, the ground was full of water, and there were a few jumping loach.


2、Nutritional composition in muscle of tetraploid loach, diploid loach and Paramisgurnus dabryanus were determined by using conventional method.

6、But I know loach very well. It is common in rice-planting area.

12、 Happiness will not be quiet as a virgin, happiness is always moving like a rabbit. Even sometimes, happiness is a slippery loach, referring to the sands between the fingers, slipping away from our fingertips carelessly.

4、Then we started to catch the loach.

10、“There is no point in a loach trying to mimic a goldfish, ” he said, comparing himself to the whiskered, mud-dwelling fish.

5、Study on physiological toxicity and genotoxicity of pharmacy wastewater in loach

1、The loach slipped from my hands.

13、Various aquatic animals and plants in the river are extremely abundant, and the water and grass are rich and beautiful. There are large fish, small fish, loach, eel, shrimp, soldier and crab, turtle king eight, conch and shellfish, etc.

3、These small loach can be fun!

9、When I was young, fried tofu, fried chicken, duck, goose and other poultry, fried fish, shrimp, loach and other river foods are essential.

8、During the brief campaign for his party's leadership Noda said he was no goldfish, but rather an unattractive loach, a bottom-feeding fish.

Tags:造句 loach
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