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“Carnegie Mellon”簡單造句,Carnegie Mellon造句子

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7、"The mind holds only about seven pieces of information at a time," says Carnegie Mellon psychologist David Creswell.

11、"people try to avoid thinking about the foods they crave," said Carey Morewedge, an experimental psychologist at Carnegie Mellon University in Pittsburgh.

15、Back at Carnegie Mellon it's the final week of the spring semester, and I have returned to watch the Yume Project team unveil its transformed android to the Entertainment Technology Center's faculty.

1、Professor Alfred Blumstein of Carnegie Mellon University said the rise in gun violence was particularly troubling.

5、He holds an MBA from the University of Texas at Austin and a B.S. from Carnegie Mellon University.

10、The software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University is providing a lot of webinars on software architecture topics such as SOA.

16、The next year, Carnegie Mellon's Dante II was lowered into Alaska's steaming Mount Spurr to collect data.

3、The Red Team, based at Carnegie Mellon University, raised this mission-planning task to a military level of sophistication.

9、But neither Carnegie Mellon nor other institutions, which are invited to use its online courses, dares to use them without having a human instructor, too.

17、“It decreases the drive to consolidate into one dominant language if you can use your own,” says Jaime Carbonell, head of Carnegie Mellon’s Language Technologies Institute.

6、They recruited 141 undergraduates from Carnegie Mellon University to participate in a study ostensibly about math skills.

14、A new study by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University, published in Science, shows that when you imagine eating a certain food, it reduces your actual consumption of that food.

8、Tom Mitchell, a professor of artificial intelligence and machine learning at Carnegie Mellon University, said the February meeting had changed his thinking.

Carnegie Mellon造句

2、Anyone can use them free, with the proviso that Carnegie Mellon doesn't offer credit.

18、Moving it into a self-contained, adaptive software package - Carnegie Mellon's online program offers two statistics classes - would arguably offer a superior learning experience.

4、Earlier this week, I introduced you to Toyota's Ideas for Good Innovation Weekend Event at Carnegie Mellon University.

13、The first contest ended in failure, but in 2005, Dr. Thrun's Stanford team built the car that won a race with a rival vehicle built by a team from Carnegie Mellon University.

12、Snackbot, another mobile robot under development at Carnegie Mellon, takes orders and delivers snacks to people at the School of Computer Science.

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