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“no miracle”簡單造句,no miracle造句子

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The list of negative consequences is very long, but the bottom line is simple: There is no miracle in the Chinese miracle growth, and China will pay a price.

But while these pills offer hope for trimming America's ever-expanding waistline, experts caution that there's no miracle potion out there to automatically shrink you back into your college jeans.

no miracle造句

As long as life is alive, there is no miracle that cannot be created.

Alas, no miracle pill exists to help Japanese executives magically manage a global workforce of vastly different cultures.

For a long time, it has long been used to describe in words, but the heart is still sinking into the endless time. There is no miracle at the end of the desert.

As for the lack of overtaking, the Ferrari man had no miracle solution.

There is no miracle in life, only in time, love and bread are the same value, no money can not afford to buy bread, poor people can not see love, this is the rest of life.

"John did no miracle: but all things that John spake of this man were true." (John 10:41).

(Stalin) The miracle of the universe is beginning to be no miracle at all.

There will be no miracles in life. The gaze that you once stayed in my eyes is just an accident. There is no miracle in life, and the dead leaf that slips in the world without wind is just an accident.

Sunset and spring and new - fledged greenery were no miracle to Scarlett.

John indeed did no miracle, but all things that John said concerning this One were true. And many believed on Him there.

And many resorted unto him, and said, John did no miracle: but all things that John spake of this man were true.

Tags:miracle 造句
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