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“further information”簡單造句,further information造句子

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If you're angry because you are the victim of a violent crime, ring your local police station or legal advice service to gain further information.

For further information on these specifications refer to the Resources section of this article and the other articles in this series.

further information造句

Each contains further information on the book it represents, including the title, description, publication date, author, and publisher.

R: Do you need any further information, madam?

From the answers to the questionnaire, identify areas for further information requirements and schedule follow-up interviews with key personnel.

She also said that further information could be added, such as what the requests to related to - whether it was surveillance, a libel issue or whatever.

The White House declined to release any additional details about the operation, saying that further information would jeopardize the military’s ability to conduct clandestine operations in the future.

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