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Other residents say the forest provides a livelihood, food, shelter, and medicine.

people like Mrs Luebbe, in contrast, are against it for fear of what an accident might do to her livelihood.

They lived in the country. In order to make a living. They went to the city. Mending shoes is now their livelihood.

Immediate impacts will be felt in the form of adverse effects from more frequent and more intense extreme weather events on food production, food distribution infrastructure and livelihood assets.

Farming is his sole livelihood.

These include personal danger, loss of kin, livelihood, homes, etc.

Reindeer can spook suddenly, so Nils Peder kneels calmly in the midst of the herd on which his livelihood depends.

The report notes average pasture and water conditions, allowing Somalis practicing a pastoral livelihood to follow normal livestock migrations where herds can adequately graze.

"People who live near mountains depend upon the mountains for their livelihood, and those who live near the sea depend upon the sea for theirs. If seafaring folk did not live at the seashore, where else would they live?"

We all have our various ways of gaining a livelihood.

If they are lost, it could seriously damage the livelihood or standard of living of that person.

The urban neighbourhood organizations, or rural communes or production brigades to whom they are attached after their return, should strengthen their administration and education, take good care of their livelihood, and encourage them to display their initiative.

Private entrepreneur intergenerational succession is one of the livelihood problems.

If anything happens to me in my livelihood, then it's spread out over everybody and everybody means the whole world.

Thanks to aggressive marketing by manufacturers, who are practically giving them away free in offices, factories, universities and even train stations, self-service coffee is invading Italy and putting in peril the livelihood of many baristas.

It is an affront to the armies of traders, brokers and fund managers who require high costs for their livelihood.


Vigorously improve forest inhabitant people's livelihood.

Therefore, priority setting would mean a clear delineation of the top options for Adaptation and mitigation taking into full account the most affected group, farming and livelihood systems.

Lack of access to water, sanitation and hygiene affects the health, security, livelihood and quality of life for children, impacting women and girls first and most.

Yesterday he was working non-stop to salvage his livelihood, and had no doubt he had been right to return to the village where he was born 64 years ago.

Some people believe that, without writing, I would lose my livelihood.

There are people and places all across the country counting on tourism for their livelihood.

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