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Every time you look at me, I pretend to look elsewhere, and when you look elsewhere, I have been looking at you.

The subject of drugs and the pharmaceutical industry was on other minds elsewhere.

The firm is also drilling elsewhere in the same basin in the hope of finding more oil.

In a way, it was like a school with small classes where students received personal attention they could not have gained elsewhere.

Now, you may say that I go too far in relating the picker of a coffee berry in far off Brazil and food growers elsewhere to my creation; that this is an extreme position.

In the quest for growth, big miners will increasingly be obliged to do battle with foes old and new in parts of Africa and elsewhere that are as forbidding as the deepest mineshafts.

He was there all right, but his mind was elsewhere.

Both thought that decency (a favourite word of Orwell's) was to be found elsewhere.

The ways in which the spreading heat will lower densities and produce plate uplift have been treated elsewhere.

I have tried and true friends would need more than twice the salary you offer to tempt me to move elsewhere.

Blogging allows staff to build a personal brand separate from that of their firm; if they are good at it, and build up a readership, that brand may be more valuable to them elsewhere.

The secret of autotrophism lies elsewhere.

For others elsewhere it was also a fateful day.

One solution would be to relocate the valuable collection elsewhere, but Dr Fowler said this was impossible.

Furthermore, because one coarse grained service may work well in a particular environment does not necessarily mean it's best suited elsewhere.

If you ask why I like to linger on at Green Jade Hill/I smile but say naught so carefree do I feel here/The stream rippling carrying the blossoms I know not where/Surely a different world it is so different from elsewhere.

Lots of things that were built here are now manufactured elsewhere for much less money.

In industrial Settings, waste heat from boilers and large refrigeration units is sometimes recycled to reduce heating costs elsewhere.

In Asia as elsewhere, it is America that rules the waves-its naval might is still needed, for example, to help defend the Malacca Strait, route for much of the region's oil and other trade.

At the age of 20, people always believe in a sentence: "life is elsewhere".

Avatar also benefited from the higher price of tickets for 3d screenings, which have accounted for more than 80% of US earnings and 65% of those elsewhere.

The values of this function elsewhere are of no consequence.

Those follow-up visits could go on for five years, experts say, drawing on the experience of natural disasters elsewhere that shows how problems can suddenly erupt in previously untroubled survivors.

It is necessary to know with each use of an identifier how that identifier was declared and used elsewhere.

A preference for boys in India and elsewhere leads to elective abortion of female fetuses.

As for violence, the death tallies notched up by Brazil's thuggish police force can make paramilitary groups elsewhere look almost benign.

The taxpayer is on the hook elsewhere, too.


You can't find anything like this elsewhere.

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