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“human anatomy”簡單造句,human anatomy造句子

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7、Immensely humorous and flirtatious, her works are also powerfully positioned in exhibiting her meticulous technical skills and understanding of the human anatomy.

1、Anatomy for artists provides a good general review of human anatomy for students and artists alike.

5、 In our famous medical school, human anatomy is taught in English.

10、According to the classical theories of TCM in Huangdi Neijing, we consider that the record of liver located in the left of the human body is based on the Ba Gua (Eight Diagrams) of traditional Chinese philosophy, not the human anatomy.

6、Incorporating knowledge of human anatomy, such as numerical anatomical models, into imaging systems to produce more meaningful results.

3、In this human anatomy tutorial titled anatomy of the human head, figure artist Charles hu provides an anatomical breakdown of the human head.

human anatomy造句

2、SETTING: Department of human anatomy in a university.

4、ObjectiveTo investigate the design and application of medical multimedia courseware on human anatomy.

9、She study hard study the human anatomy, internal medicine, acupuncture and other dozens of medical books and acupuncture technology, for the masses around ten thousand people, to serve the people.

8、It should be pointed out that according to the theory of visceral manifestation, the names of the zang-fu organs correspond to those of the modern human anatomy and refers to the substantial internal organs.

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