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7、You can enjoy its beauty each time you stare at it in wonderment.

11、You know the feeling of wonderment. Now, do you also have times when you don't love being a parent?

15、This week my kids and I have done so many fun and educational things together I am in wonderment about why I didn't take this approach before.

19、In no time at all I was surrounded by what must have been 50, 60 and then 100 townspeople, all staring at me with a sense of unbridled, wild-eyed wonderment.

4、She gasped in wonderment at her good luck.

9、'Its simplicity, its air of extreme wonderment, 'he said, had moved him all his life.

14、Peter arranges Tea for Two and brings the long lost friends back together, where years of wonderment disappear and a friendship is renewed.

1、We were bug-eyed in wonderment.

6、But this day would be different-it began with 17 wonderment.

13、Obama waited patiently during McCain's attacks, comfortably perched on the chair, often smiling in seeming wonderment about what he was hearing from his opponent.


2、The rest be works of nature's wonderment,

10、Kitty shook her head in wonderment. "Haven't you been listening to anything I've said?"

18、Love is like a beautiful photograph you store in an album. You can en- joy its beauty each time you stare at its wonderment. It stops time. And,it makes you young again--forever!

12、These images create a nice sense of curiosity and wonderment and brings a smile to the viewer.

5、We watched in wonderment as she skimmed the ice.

3、His talent, his wonderment and his mystery make him legend.

8、Life is supposed to be joyful and full of wonder and wonderment.

17、In any case, a rebirth takes place (songs 9 and 10) in which he finds himself filled with wonderment in regards to life.

16、With numerous particles being discharged at the same time, the company says it can create a safe, on-demand meteor shower for the wonderment of the crowds below.

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