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Devices can be hierarchical in how they are linked together, and some devices have both physical and logical representations.

Distinguishing among different kinds of models allows us to think of software and system development as a series of refinements between different model representations.

In the discussion threading service, an example of connected resource representations might include a root discussion topic and its attributes, and embed links to the responses given to that topic.

There are no representations, understandings or agreements, written or oral, which are not included herein.

They, along with use case models, provide a better framework for early testing than do conventional requirements representations.

Vice Foreign Minister Li Zhaoxing on April 25 urgently summoned US Ambassador and lodged solemn representations and the protest as instructed by the Chinese Government.


Convert the content of traversed elements into a set of intermediate representations stored as arrays.

The architecture overview illustrates the main conceptual elements and relationships in an architecture through simple schematic representations.

When designers rely on Mechanical-Age representations to guide them, they are blinded to the far greater potential of the computer to provide sophisticated information management in a better, albeit different, way.

With the representational state transfer (REST) style architecture, requests and responses are built around the transfer of representations of resources.

The ambassador made forceful representations to the White House.

The art of carving wood, chiseling stone, casting or welding metal, molding clay or wax, etc. into three-dimensional representations, as statues, figures, forms, etc.

They continued: "For it appears that pregnant women can expedite or delay spontaneous births, within a limited time frame, in response to cultural representations."

The REST architectural style strongly suggests the use of uniform resource identifiers (URIs) to locate and access representations of resources - known as the representational state of the resource.

'Appraisal detectors' then integrate this information producing both subjective affect as well as further activating associated representations (affective priming).

You must define a generic business object to unify the different business object representations.

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