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All the morning wreaths and crosses of beautiful flowers had poured in.

I only wish I could describe the wild and marvelous beauty of that sword of fire, laying across the darkness and rushing mist-wreaths of the gulf.

You can visit them with a group and guide, or else simply surrender to serendipity and hunt for the straw wreaths that hang from a door top or lamppost, a signal that hospitality awaits.


At a banquet, champions were presented with olive wreaths.

Thanksgiving is a time to decorate homes with wreaths, fresh and dried flowers.

Thanksgiving is a time to decorate homes with wreaths, fresh and dried flowers. people beautify their homes, give the interiors a whole new look and feel.

The fashion has evolved, and the rural peasants, like the city people, have given wreaths to tie the couplets. After all, a small number of them, most of them still send a pile of thick black hemp paper.

The wind and the storm wreaths and the sheets of stinging spray blinded and bewildered us.

Around the world, family members help to decorate the tree and home with bright lights, wreaths, candles, Holly, mistletoe, and ornaments.

What care I for the wreaths that can only give glory?

The moon was nearly hidden now by the wreaths of the rushing storm, but a little light still caught the crest of the devouring breaker.

The thunder sounded far to the east, moving from them in its red wreaths of light.

As an American, this was the first time for me to see Chinese people carry out this tradition; burning money, sweeping the area around the tomb, laying out wreaths.

It was led by four women wearing white dresses and floral wreaths on their heads, and carrying a square banner in red, white and blue with the couple's names printed on it.

I plucked all the blossom in my garden into wreaths.

Thousands of people are expected to converge on the motel site to lay wreaths and pay their respects.

For this, this text passes theories contact physically, with five wreaths system the pharmaceutical factory is a research object.

Tags:wreaths 造句
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