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It also is the same time that the ancient Monte alban state started conquering the surrounding regions.

Like those conquering troops, this year's rejoicers wore a uniform, albeit of a different kind: casual clothes and skullcaps for the men, long skirts for the women.

I did not discover that Hamlet had his self-possession from no schooling but from indifference and passion conquering sweetness, and that less heroic minds can but hope it from old age.

Her head rested on his shoulder, the pleasant smell of her hair conquering the pigeon dung.

The dangers seemed to be outweighed by the benefits of conquering fear and developing a sense of mastery.

They've just heard a report from a reconnaissance team that scoped out the land, and that they think that the chances of conquering the Promised land are very, very slim.

The country people turned out to meet and hail with joy the conquering hero.

Legend has it that this area, in 54bc, was where Cassivellaunus, a British chieftain, made a stand against Julius Caesar's conquering army.

The latter, far from conquering the world, remain mostly focused on their domestic markets.

Oprah. I'm not a regular Oprah watcher, but she did an excellent show about conquering clutter, and this page has useful video and articles featuring clutter expert Peter Walsh.

That laugh, the conquering insolence, that playfulness and love of the theater are all clear and joyous.

Many at the conference likened it to the tortuous process of conquering addiction.

No, Mr Rajapaksa is under threat because Mr Fonseka, by his very presence, trumps his best card, that of the conquering hero.


Fanatics were there, raving about conquering Rome and putting Christians to the sword.

Image yourself conquering a crisis with control and strength.

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