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He estimates the hydraulic hybrid bus would offer a 20 percent cost savings over a conventional diesel during a 12-year lifespan and a 30 percent cost savings over a diesel-electric hybrid.

Smith's future customers may soon be able to look to Europe for real-world hydraulic hybrid experience.

He said Honda would have to undertake extra projects to meet the requirements, despite its recent focus on more environmentally friendly electric-gasoline hybrid vehicles.

The installation of the Falcon hybrid rocket has been decided, using a "simple" (in rocket science terms!) clamp at the back end and a quick-release connector at the front.

Using a hybrid between global and sectional groupings.

How did you track the effectiveness of your new hybrid approach during the project?

So what next, a hybrid petrol-electric version of the most macho of luxury SUVs, the Range Rover?

A zebroid (also zebra mule and zebrule) is the offspring of any cross between a zebra and any other equine: essentially, a zebra hybrid.

Over a decade ago I spent a year working at a "residence club" that I'll call Hampton House, a kind of misbegotten hybrid somewhere between a five-star hotel and a youth hostel.

Producing hybrid corn is a lengthy. process which must be done by hand.

The MIT team designed a triangular-shaped hybrid wing body aircraft that blends a wider fuselage with the wings for improved aerodyamics.

The author explains how and why Spanish and English have mixed with each other in the United States to create a hybrid language, increasingly used not only in spoken but also in written form.

Yokohama is aiming its tyres at hybrid cars and efficient city cars like the Mini Cooper.

Toyota and EDF Energy have launched a three-year leasing programme that brings ultra-low emissions plug-in hybrid vehicle technology to the streets of London.

No matter how good it looked on paper, the flying jeep's goofy appearance gives a good indication of why such a flimsy hybrid would not do well in the heat of battle.

Another macho motor brand has caved in already, with Porsche unveiling a hybrid model at the Swiss show.


We realized that some of our ideas might infringe on Toyota's hybrid patents. We contacted them.

Protocol extensions proposed by the FSWG enable file-sharing through the ability to create hybrid NAS/SAN a configuration connects clients to a hybrid NAS/SAN server via TCP/IP and to the SAN disk array via the Fibre Channel Protocol.

In the next 40 years, steam tractors, gang plows, hybrid corn, refrigerated freight cars, and barbed wire fencing to enclose rangelands all appeared.

Scientists think the protein may allow hybrid viruses to grow more efficiently in the lower temperatures of the upper respiratory tract, from which the virus can more easily spread to others.

Chinese theater culture is a sort of hybrid culture while western culture is a sort of pure culture. The evolution of theaters in Shanghai in late Qing Dynasty is just a living fossil of hybrid culture transforming into pure one.

But countries in Latin America and the Middle East are jumping onto the hybrid bandwagon.

Tags:Hybrid 造句
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