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To stand unscreened yet unabashed, self-confessed before the world, --how could one withhold belief in the face of such supreme self-confidence?

To live life is lively and courageous, and this activity comes from altruism. This courage comes from correcting self-confidence.

It’s near impossible to make time for your dreams, to break free from the traditional mold, and to truly be yourself, if you have low self-esteem and self-confidence.

With a broad mind to live your loyalty to life, this is the most true self-confidence and the most simple style, experience the wind and rain, perfect personality, listen to the return of sorrow and joy, a leisurely, this is life.


Some successful men exude self-confidence.

The book and their enthusiastic reading captured the return of Americas innate optimism and self-confidence.

Or is he cool, calm, and calculating? Does he radiate irrational self-confidence and exude a certainty of excellence that this world has never seen?

Be filled with the ancient Rome arena of the shining glory and honor, every kind of brawl the superiors be full of self-confidence, imagine the oneself can a war becomes famous here.

His easy gait shows self-confidence.

But it can backfire if it's perceived as "micromanaging" an employee, and undermines his or her self-confidence.

To the extent that we can generalise from this, perhaps the self-confidence of the beautiful helps them fool employers into paying more.

To study the development of this old culture, to reject its feudal dross and assimilate its democratic essence is a necessary condition for developing our new national culture and increasing our national self-confidence, but we should never swallow anything and everything uncritically.

Does he radiate irrational self-confidence and exude a certainty of excellence that this world has never seen?

It was clear that the students of Beida(北大)were not lacking in self-confidence and did not feel at all defensive about China's intellectual and moral position in the world.

Being rejected affects our self-confidence levels so by not looking we protect ourselves.

Normally, he was calm, firm and full of self-confidence; for he knew how to fight his opponents. He could be cruel, but he could also be smooth and sly. He might sometimes storm and rage, but that did not necessarily mean he was really angry.

Don't scoff at those lucky rabbit feet. New research shows that having some kind of lucky token can actually improve your performance - by increasing your self-confidence.

Likely it means that we have a healthy degree of optimism, self-confidence and openness, along with an adventurous spirit.

There are some things that no one really knows, no one knows except you, but you have to be able to live on your own, so you'd better have a clear conscience. Because a clear conscience can bring self-confidence, and self-confidence will make your life easier.

Embedded in these signals is evidence of self-confidence, sincerity and trust.

"Hubris" is too much self-confidence or ego.

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