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He promised to pay back tomorrow.

So how is that we pay attention?

Taking a loan to pay another debt is robbing peter to pay Paul.

Love, you must sincerely pay, sincerely treat each other.

If you only pay minimum payments, you will be old and gray before you pay off a the debt.

Their suffering is real - and a high price to pay for entertainment.

The secret is nothing more than to reach old age together, two things, and pay for.

Those with no government capital will not face specific limits, but shareholders will have more of a say on pay, Congress willing, and regulators more leeway to alter pay policies.

Beauty abounds in the black clouds that seem to pay homage to Table Mountain at all times.

"Google is not associated with things you pay for, and Android is an extension of that," said Mr. Hall of Larva Labs.

Investors befuddled by Chinas volatile property market should pay attention to sales volumes of residential and commercial units in October, traditionally one of the hottest sales months of the year.

Let me pay for dinner.

That is to say, you pay laborer, not have put the labourer pay except produce value all pay him.

Pay also tends to rise when the board hires its own pay consultant.

You need them, but not on a permanent pay list.

Under the second option the state would also pay the first whack but pensioners could take out private insurance to pay the balance.

He has been sentenced to pay a fine of 1000 pounds.

And yet, such is the hubris, they expect customers to pay Apple prices for their half-baked offerings.

But recently, our obsession with free has given rise to a new phenomenon - where the customer is never asked to pay.

If you remit fund from abroad into China and want to pay the beneficiary in RMB, bank oversea office can convert it into RMB according to the exchange rate level on the remittance day and inform domestic office to pay RMB fund to the beneficiary appointed by you.


Charge now, pay later.

They are negotiating for a pay increase.

Yes, yesterday was my pay-day; I pay you the payment today.

Examine the account well before you pay it.

That means that the goldsmith would pay it to the bearer.

If you pay for yourself, don't regret losing that feeling. No one lives in love and nothing else.

We need to tackle the minority that misuse alcohol rather than making the majority pay more for the simple pleasure of a bottle of wine.

S. pay czar will give Benmosche leeway on pay.

I will pay nothing under compulsion.

I can only pay a fraction of my bill.

Although few pay packages have been voted down by shareholders, that is because it is now routine for British executives to consult investors on pay policy long before it goes to a vote.

I didn't pay off my debt took many years, and I made plenty of with patience and perseverance, I met my goal.

The polluter should pay.

The girl: I will not go until you pay because I have to pay my pander.

When you sit down to pay your bills (I do them all online), make the first bills you pay be your savings transfer and your debt payments.

If so, will the other be willing to relocate or work to pay for the other's education?

This is a pay telephone.

I broke the glass, so I'll pay for it.

If it was a bearer note "if the note said I'll pay if it wasn't a unique object but just gold the note would say that this goldsmith will pay to the bearer so many ounces of gold."

Who will pay for conservation?

These are cuts that would not only jeopardize our physicians' pay but our seniors' health care.

I learned that this dealership (like all Saturn dealerships) has a "no-dicker sticker" policy; that is, the price on the window is the price you pay for the car.

One way to help pay for the aid would be to close the tax loophole that lets the nation's wealthiest private equity partners pay tax at close to the lowest rate in the code.

The algorithm used to calculate an employee's pay depends on that column's value, because pay calculation for hourly employees differs from pay calculation for salaried employees.

I'll pay you a visit next month.

The retailers pay a fee when they appear in the results, but they cannot pay to be included in the results; the rankings are based solely on fit.

The paper introduces the functions and the special features of the JB-1501 spectrum flameproof alarm system, and the items that when you use it you must pay attention to.

Last I knew, said the American, the Scot was haggling price, and the Canadian was arguing that his government should pay.

Tags:pay 造句
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