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Mombarton was captivated by Gandhi and liked his cunning and sense of humour very much.

The King James is the poetry that inspired Handel's Messiah, but the words also captivated modern musicians.

Now it’s your turn to take the same journey in moral reflection that has captivated more than 14, 000 students, as Harvard opens its classroom to the world.

Also those who were captivated by the enemies or devil will also be claimed back from the power of darkness and returned to God.

Some two months after our wedding we met Liang Sicheng and his wife Lin Huiyin. Neither they nor we were aware that years of close friendship lay ahead, but we were captivated from the first.

The children were captivated by his thrilling story.

The pattern and design of urban space has always held me captivated.

Even students who did not like mathematics never missed his classes, because they were captivated by his descriptions and anecdotes.

Especially in the wind, you really will be captivated by their deep, you will be feeling went so far as such a short fall of next year's fall at last!


This page-turner has captivated readers.

And then she begins to sing. Her unexpectedly mature voice captivated everyone in the room.

One day, the queen noticed that the jailer appeared captivated by her beauty, and she soothed him so far as to be allowed access to her husband.

The world was captivated by tales of the 1908 marathon, in which the exhausted race leader, Dorando Pietri of Italy, entered the stadium and proceeded to fall five times en route to the finish.

Their speeches, richly embellished with allusions and quotations, captivated the audience.

I think he must be enthralled and captivated by her beauty... and I am sure HJ dare not touch her for the first time.

The audience was captivated by her performance.

In exchange for the teenyboppers, the new Beatles have captivated a different and much more responsive audience.

Yang Guotiaoda is uninhibited, sweet-spoken and free-flowing, and has captivated many young girls.

SHUN the gossip of men as much as possible, for discussion of worldly affairs, even though sincere, is a great distraction inasmuch as we are quickly ensnared and captivated by vanity.

The craftsmen of the emperor and Minister never expected that, more than three hundred years later, the elaborate camouflage was not captivated by the eyes of archaeologists.

Enraptured, as by beauty; captivated.

Why he should have captivated Scarlett when his mind was a stranger to hers she did not know.

I'm not particularly captivated by Carmelo Anthony's return to Denver as much as the contrasting styles these teams now represent.

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