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“revolutionary martyr”簡單造句,revolutionary martyr造句子

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Eternal life to the revolutionary martyrs.

The monument was erected in honor of the revolutionary martyrs.

The names of the revolutionary martyrs were inscribed on a monument.

The Monument to the people's Heroes is the largest monument in Chinese history. It symbolizes the great achievements of the revolutionary martyrs and is the symbol of the national people's memory of the revolutionary martyrs.

In the cemetery of revolutionary martyrs in Hong'an, what impresses you most is a martyr wall engraved with countless names.

The revolutionary martyrs will live for ever in our hearts.

People inscribed a monument with the names of the revolutionary martyrs.

The enemy raided the orphan of the revolutionary martyr and tried to eradicate it.

cemetery of revolutionary martyrs

We must learn from the revolutionary spirit of the revolutionary martyrs and firmly believe in communism that we can achieve in all circumstances.

revolutionary martyr造句

Within days, local officials had designated the dead official a "revolutionary martyr."

The monument was built in honor of the revolutionary martyrs.

The revolutionary martyrs set aside life and death for the cause of revolution.

We visited the cemetery of revolutionary martyrs in Jinggangshan, where a list of revolutionary martyrs is displayed and the ashes of the Red Army martyrs are buried.

families of revolutionary martyrs

Tomb-sweeping day, I went to the martyrs cemetery for the revolutionary martyr grave, mourning.

I went to the Babaoshan revolutionary Cemetery to pay my respect to those revolutionary martyrs.

The spirit of generosity and righteousness of revolutionary martyrs is always worth learning.

We paid a visit to the monument to the revolutionary martyrs with great respect.

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