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The whale carcass left by the Inupiaq whale hunters is surrounded by a barbed wire fence.

Another nearly lost the vital battle for Kohima, the gateway to India, because he wanted to keep to peacetime rules restricting the use of barbed wire.

The refugee camps were first set up in 1984; there are now nine of them, settlements of bamboo-built houses behind barbed wire spread out not far from the border town of Mae Sot.


The Eskimo barbed the arrows with pointed fish bones.

The soft background of the cloud-filled blue sky contrasts well with the barbed wire foreground.

We made our way through the thick brush, undergrowth, and the trees until we came to a wooden post fence with barbed wire.

Those include shooting civilians who tried to escape the city and ignoring the pleas of mothers holding aloft starving children on the other side of the barbed-wire barricades.

There's broken glass everywhere, there's rusted barbed wire everywhere, the level of pollution is insane.

The area surrounded by a barbed fence is guarded by patrols. But if you are lucky enough there is a chance to get inside the abandoned place.

True, there was the entryway festoonedwith barbed wire and the sign CONCENTRATION CAMP STRUTHOF-NATZWEILER and the double barbed-wire fence that surrounded the camp.

“I guess there won’t be any literary renaissance, ” he quipped in his trademark laconic, yet barbed, style.

The two firms are bombarding one another in barbed letters and spiky press conferences.

We now know that after being transported into the forest in trucks, the Polish PoWs were discharged into a barbed wire cage, which acted as a temporary holding pen.

I see that same twinkle in her eye that I used to see as Roma says, "Yes, I will marry you," and we embrace, the embrace we longed to share for so many months, but barbed wire came between us.

The barbed wire fence round the perimeter discouraged intruders.

In the shallow waters off Hokkaido, a barbed poacher crawls across glistening volcanic sand on spiny pectoral fins.

There were no signs marking the international border, no fences, no barbed wire.

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