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欄目: 造句 / 發佈於: / 人氣:1.16W

7、The mileage of highways has increased from 1.03 million km to 1.7 million km, while that of expressways has reached 19,000 km, coming second in the world.

11、Riverfront length : 6.5 km Landscape design area is 2.37 square km.

15、Beyond some 8 yuan/km;

19、It covers an area of just over 2m square km and contains an estimated 150,000 cubic km of groundwater.

23、It is situated in Minhang District that lies in the southwest of Shanghai city, only18 km away from downtown of Shanghai,12 km away from Shanghai Hongqiao International Airport and35 km away from Shanghai Pudong International Airport.

27、Dongxihu District is adjacent to Wuhan downtown area,5 km away from Hankou Railway Station,10 km away from Wuhan Tianhe Airport and18 km away from Qingshan Foreign Trade Port.

31、The horizontal width of the condensate falling from the convective cells was much less than the width of the observed mesoscale downdraft (60 km compared to 150 km).

35、Today, the expressway mileage has reached 60300 km.

39、The Zambezi River, which is more than 2 km wide at this point, plunges noisily down a series of basalt gorges and raises an iridescent mist that can be seen more than 20 km away.

43、We could fly at 480 km per hour, avoiding traffic lights and busy roads.

47、This microorganism was discovered under 4 km of ice, just above Lake Vostok, Russia.

51、The quake hit in eastern Myanmar, about 70 miles (110 km) from Chiang Rai, Thailand, the survey reported.

55、Rock deformations in the zones are mainly in quasi-plastic to brittle mechanisms without typical mylonite, suggesting the forming depth should be less than 10 km.

59、The 95.3-mile (153.5 km) long Gotthard Base tunnel network now being drilled out beneath the Alps, when finally completed in about ten years, will be the longest underground tunnel ever constructed.

3、Newly built railways open to traffic totalled 896 km, electrified railways, 1,916 km, and double-track railways, 551 km.

8、To its northwest lies Afghanistan (2,430 km). China is in the northeast of Pakistan (523 km).

13、Tickets valid is according to the distance: 500 km or less is two days, more than 500 km, once increase 500 km add one day, less than 500 km is also calculated.

18、About 65 km east county, 50 km wide north-south, south-east and the high-lying low in the northwest.

24、As shown, the earth's mean radius is about 6378 km, while the altitude and orbit radius of a GSO satellite is approximately equal to 35786 km and 42164 km respectively.

29、Lebanon borders Syria for 375 km to the north and to the east and Israel for 79 km to the south.

34、A 2.7 km long straight concrete drainage channel has been restored into a sinuous, natural river 3.2 km long, that meanders through the park.

40、Lake Erhia is an extensive stretch of water covering some 320 sq km, 40 km long and 8 km wide, beginning from Eryuan in the north to Xiaguan in the south, sitting at an elevation of nearly 2 000 metres above sea level.

45、It flows from central Africa 6670 km north to the Mediterranean Sea.

50、The Bering Glacier, about 10 km from the Gulf of Alaska, is the largest glacier in North America.

56、Kashgar Middle and South Asia Industrial Park now has built 2 lift pumps, a head tank and 23.6 km pipelines which can constantly supply water 24h a day.

1、Olympic race walks are the 20 km and 50 km for men and 10 km for women.

6、The Sichuan-Tibet Highway is 2,413 km long and the Qinghai-Tibet Highway 2,122 km long.

14、The5 km-long and1 km-wide park was constructed in1789 by Elector Karl Theodor.

21、The area encloses 3.28 sq km.

28、Kazakhstan corresponding points for the East Kazakhstan state Butch el build ports, 0.5 km from the port side, away from the Kazakhstan city of San Lent 60 km.

36、Each tower serves an area of approximately 3 sq km.

42、In the five years, 4,267 km of waterways were harnessed, adding 22,200-km Class-V and above waterways, which is 19 percent of the total mileage of navigable channels.

49、The Moon is in orbit around the Earth at an approximate distance of 377, 000 km (234, 000 miles).

57、A river rising in central Angola and flowing about 9 '5 km (' 00 mi) generally southeast and east to the Zambezi river.

4、The EPZ is25 km away from Hongqiao Airport,15 km away from Pudong International Airport and9 km away from Waigaoqiao Port, thus enjoying convement Transportation conditions.

12、Area: 377,800 sq. km.. land use-12.20% cropland, 1.7% permanent pasture, 66.7% forests and woodland, 19.4% others; coastline-34,301 km.; land borders-0 km.

22、Road Work…km Ahead, Slow Down.

32、That's surprise number one: that country parks, protected by law from development, occupy 440 sq. km. of Hong Kong's 1092 sq. km land area.

41、Even further south, reflections from 35 km depth may correspond to the Moho of peninsular India.

52、The commission would like to impose fines of Euro95 ($137) per car per gram on emissions exceeding 130g/km.

60、Dee:a river rising in the Cairngorm Mountains of eastern Scotland and flowing about 145 km (90 mi) eastward to the North Sea through an artificial channel at aberdeen. It is known for its scenic beauty and salmon fisheries.

10、Transportation: distance from the airport (km): 26 from the center distance (km): 0, distance from the Guangzhou Railway Station (km): 3.

25、Catchment area of about 13534 square km.

37、Laos and Burma share a 236-km border.

48、There are 7 major crustal plates on earth, about 80 km thick, all in constant motion.


2、By 2002, China's total mileage of railways opened to traffic is expected to top 70,000 km. Of these, double-tracked lines will rise from 18,000 km to 21,000 km, and electrified lines from 11,000 km to 15,000 km.

17、The nearest airport, Reina Sofia, is 17 km away, and the airport of Los Rodeos 95 km.

33、County a total area of 937 square km.

53、Russia will soon return 174 sq km of territory on the northeast bordertoChina, ending more than 40 years of negotiations.

9、The projects include over 25,500 km of highways, of which 8,000 km are expressways, and 4,000 km of trunk railways, with the total mileage exceeding 7,000 km if the figures for newly double-tracked and electrified railways are included.

30、According to the construction plan set by the Ministry of Railways, in the next five years, the country will complete 5, 340 km of new railway lines, double track 2, 850 km of existing lines, electrify 4, 400 km lines now in operation and build 1, 000 km of local railways.

54、It lies about 1,600 km. southeast of Australia, separated by the Tasman Sea, and is Located a little over 10,000 km. away from San Francisco and Panama and a similar distance apart from Tokyo and Singapore. Tonga and Fiji lie to is North.

20、It covers an area of just over 2m square km and contains an estimated 150, 000 cubic km of groundwater.

46、The early design is limited in range to about 80 km per charge, but advances in battery technology are expected to push that flight range to the area of 240 to 320 km by 2017.

26、Fukasawa Rao Road is located in the city and Anxin Road Interchange, south-west 76 km from the provincial capital Shijiazhuang, 30 km north Shi railway, 250 km south of the capital Beijing.

5、Targets for highway construction by 2005. The total highway mileage will be 1.6 million km, with an increase of 200,000 km in the coming five years. The highway network density will be 16.7 km/100 square km.

58、Increasedcondensation by short distance driving below 20 km or a defect in the watercircuit (cylinder head gasket or flange connections) with entry of coolingwater.

16、Navigable river, about 73 km.

44、China boasts a mainland coastline of more than 18,000 km. There are more than 5,000 islands in China's territorial waters, each with an area of more than 500 sq m, and the islands' coastlines total more than 14,000 km.

38、The factory in Yangjian town, Xisha, Wuxi city,30 Km far from Zhangjiagang import and wharf in north direction,18 km far from Wuxi airport in west south direction,15 km far from Huning express in west direction, communication and transportation is very convenient.

酶促反應的初速度   A.與[E](酶的濃度)成正比      B.與[S](底物濃度)無關   C.與Km(... 小明乘車從南充到成都,行車的平均速度v(km/h)和行車時間t(h)之間的函數圖像是(    ) 一輛正在高速公路上行駛的汽車.其速度表如圖所示,指針顯示汽車速度為  km/h,合  m/s. .以工業級氧化鋅(含Fe2+、Mn2+、Cu2+、Ni2+等)為原料製備氧化鋅的流程如下:其中“氧化”加入KM... 在比例尺為1:500000的地圖上,量得*、乙兩地的距離是25cm,則兩地的實際距離是  km. 一個國家的面積是960萬KM2,人口數量是13億,那麼這個國家的人口密度是多少人/KM(  )A.135   ...   下表為巢湖流域1979~2008年土地利用動態轉化表。讀表,回答21~22題。耕地km2林地km2草地km... 要*溶液中不含Fe3+而可能含有Fe2+,進行如下實驗*作時最佳順序為(  )①加入足量*水 ②加入足量KM... 太陽發出的光,要經過大約8min才能到達地球,請你估算太陽到地球的距離約為  km. 一架戰鬥機巡航的速度為500m/s,合 1800 km/h.*演地點距*用機場的距離為3600km,則戰鬥機從... 2010年,*總人口數達13.7億,下圖為我國人口密度分佈簡圖,讀後回答(1)我國人口密度超過500人/km... 在空格處填上合適的單位或者數據(1)6m/s=      km/h;(2)霧霾中的塵埃顆粒PM2.5     ... 某交*在一個路口統計的某時段來往車輛的車速情況如下表:車速(Km/h)4849505152車輛數(輛)5482... 某汽車在某一時間段內的速度v(km/h)與耗油量Q(L)之間有近似的函數關係:Q=0.0025v2-0.175... 一架水上飛翼船的速度為160km/h,若它勻速行駛0.5h,飛翼船通過的路程為多少km?
A,B兩地相距60km,*、乙兩人從兩地出發相向而行,*先出發,圖中l1,l2表示兩人離A地的距離s(km)與... 通過表1、2判斷海拔五千多米處水的沸點可能是(  )表1:海拔與大氣壓的關係海拔/km大氣壓/(×105Pa)... 根據下面表格數據回答問題。距市中心距離(km)各種土地利用的租金(元/m2)商店住宅工業01408430110... 一輛勻速行駛的火車90min行駛180km,則這輛火車行駛的路程y(km)與時間t(h)之間的函數關係式是( ...   下圖示意1972-2011年我國西北地區某流域不同朝向*川面積的變化(單位:km)。5、若該流域*川面積變... A、B、C、D、E5個車站的位置如圖所示,分別求出D、E兩站和A、E兩站的距離(單位:km).(第7題圖) 超聲波在海水中的傳播速度是1500m/s,合       km/h,如果從某處海面豎直向海底發出的超聲波經4s... 下列有關*烴的敍述中,正確的是(  )①在*烴分子中,所有的化學鍵都是單鍵②*烴中除**外,很多都能使**KM... 要*某溶液中不含Fe3+而可能含Fe2+,進行如下實驗*作時,最佳的順序是( )①加入足量*水②加入足量KM... *、乙兩人沿相同的路線由A地到B地勻速前進.A.B兩地間的路程為204km,他們前進的路程為s(km).*出發... 一輛汽車從*地駛往乙地,共用了一個小時的時間,前20 min內的平均速度是30 km/h,後40 min內的平... 讀太陽光照圖(赤道周長約為4萬km),下列説法正確的是(    ) A.此時節氣是春分 B.B點看到日出時間比... 某人向正東方向走xkm後,他向右轉150°,然後朝新方向走3km,結果他離出發點恰好km,那麼x的值為(  )... 光的速度約為3×105km/s,太陽光到達地球需要的時間約為5×102s,則地球與太陽間的距離約為   km. 小明在*場上跑步,前5s跑完30m,後5s跑完40米,則他跑完全程的平均速度是      km/h。如果他跑得...