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A 1963 study purported to find one person who read 17,040 words per minute.

The lots include the purported lifejacket of one victim, a first-class dinner menu and a folding deckchair.

Farmar purported to be right for this challenge, often mentioning leading Taft High to its first Los Angeles city championship and taking UCLA to the national title game.

Chinese media and websites are teeming this week with discussion of a purported study showing that the top scorers on the gaokao over the last 30 years have ended up being disappointments.

trafficking in purported dangerous drug

Many places can't document the ages of the people in their purported cluster.

Kicking off the top three is Mississippi, home to the purported descendants of some of the aforementioned lazy pioneers.

Since his grudging acceptance two years ago of the two-state principle, Israel’s prime minister has shown no eagerness or flexibility in his purported pursuit of a deal.

EBay responded with its own preemptive protest: The auctioneer pulled all its ads from Google's U.S. search results in retaliation for such behavior by a purported partner in other arenas.

Woman are purported to be more psychologically and physiologically affected by relationships than men.

On what grounds do we assert so vehemently that no purported anti-aging intervention has been proved to modify aging?

When shown a picture of their purported partner wearing a designer shirt, volunteers transferred 36% more than when the same person was shown with no logo (95 cents, as opposed to 70 cents).

Pictured above is a purported photograph of the Queen.

The thesis is purported to discuss the existence basis, development reasons and fields of its functions of punitive damage in the following four parts.

The bank’s former chairman, Sulaiman al-Gosaibi, was purported to have signed its annual report on February 12th 2009, even though he was in an intensive-care unit in Zurich at the time

If the stamp does not really hash with the purported leading zero bits, it is not valid.


The purported author of the story.

He would ruthlessly downsize, firing thousands of employees in the process, with the purported aim of "creating shareholder value" and instilling a "culture of accountability."

The Committee reviewed the epidemiology of subacute sclerosing panencephalitis (SSPE) and the purported relationship between measles immunization and the occurrence of SSPE.

"as a result of any act done or omission made by the public officer in good faith in the exercise orperformance or purported exercise or performance of any power, function orduty under this Ordinance."

These cannot be dismissed lightly. But there are also some purported benefits.

A drug derived from amygdalin and purported to have antineoplastic properties.

Tags:造句 purported
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