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“second thoughts”簡單造句,second thoughts造句子

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7、I had never had second thoughts about my decision to leave the company.

11、He would on no account have mentioned the fight, for, on second thoughts, it fell far short of his standards.

15、He's purged himself of all qualms and second thoughts so as to function smoothly in the world that Bell, the Goldwaterian granddad, has grown unfit for.

19、A user may have second thoughts about the amount of time the operation will take and decide to postpone it, so the Cancel button enables him to do so.

1、have second thoughts about...

5、He suggests that we give the matter second thoughts.

10、But now, she has second thoughts about buying the popular snack.

16、There were signs at the Arab League meeting in Rabat on Wednesday that the organisation may be having second thoughts about its hasty suspension of Syria last Saturday.

21、he was tempted to slip out quietly that way and have done with Wu Sun-fu, but on second thoughts he decided that he could not very well leave without saying goodbye.

4、but on second thoughts turning pale.

12、The audience gave him the raspberry, which gave him some second thoughts about his choice of career.

18、Families who once considered public school education adequate, at least at the elementary level, have been having second thoughts lately, owing to concern over allegedly deteriorating public school standards.

3、On second thoughts he changed his mind.

13、Catherine: Yes. That gives you a way out if you have second thoughts or if some problem comes up.

22、Yes, on second thoughts, Ma Chin, I think we should go back to what I suggested in the first place: we should consider no sacrifice too great, and we should be prepared for a glorious failure!"

9、Danielle is sure she's made the right choice, but James is having second thoughts.

second thoughts造句

2、I'm having second thoughts.

17、On second thoughts, however, he said that he was so ill-tempered that most of his students avoided making him mad.

14、 I was going to sell my car but I've had second thoughts and decided to deep it until its road tax expires in five months time.

20、Heathcliff, on second thoughts, resolved to avoid a struggle against the three underlings; he seized the poker, smashed the lock from the inner door, and made his escape as they tramped in.

8、I said I wouldn't go, but on second thoughts I think I will.

6、On second thoughts I took it with me.

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