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Does the gradient vector, why is the gradient vector perpendicular in one direction rather than the other?

Align the wrists perpendicular to the floor and center your weight on the edge of the forearm bone, rolling neither in nor out.

I looked around and saw that the majority stood in little groups along the slopes while several others were perched atop the perpendicular cliff walls.

A line considered a limit to a curve in the sense that the perpendicular distance from a moving point on the curve to the line approaches zero as the point moves an infinite distance from the origin.

These two vectors are perpendicular exactly when their dot product is zero.

All elements are radiating in phase, and the resultant wave front is perpendicular to the axis of the element array.

A rare galaxy type, polar ring galaxies have a substantial population of stars, gas, and dust orbiting in rings nearly perpendicular to the plane of the galactic disk.

It's a vector, perpendicular.

Customizable sliding and perpendicular jumping can prevent climbing up too steep surfaces.

You take one very large mirror and hang it to form an arm, then hang two more mirrors perpendicular to it to form an L-shape.


So, the gradient is perpendicular.

Well, we've learned how to detect whether two vectors are perpendicular to each other using dot product.

Well, that's because my line is perpendicular to the normal vectors, so it's parallel to the planes it's parallel to all the planes Now, why is it in the planes instead of parallel to them?

A severe facade rose above this door; a wall, perpendicular to the facade, almost touched the door, and flanked it with an abrupt right angle.

When a surface is perpendicular to the rays, their intensity is at its maximum.

The plumB line is always perpendicular to the horizontal plane.

When bouncing your flash, at certain angles close to that perpendicular plane, direct light will hit your subject.

A thin wafer of semiconductor material used for measuring ac power and magnetic output voltage is proportional to the current passing through it times the magnetic field perpendicular to it.

Also, if this setup doesn't coincide with the position of the sun, then it can be rotated 90 degrees and mounted so that it is perpendicular to the roof peak.

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