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Her family are ungrateful and spiteful.

This ungrateful thing betrays your benefactor!

How can we break our conscience and do something ungrateful?

I am very sorry indeed for my foolish and ungrateful conduct.

Others might insist on getting you tely ask that they don't, but if they do, don't be ungrateful.

He was an ungrateful man, but he did not lend a helping hand to his old uncle.

Immediately I decided to leave the ungrateful ghosts and return to this wonderful world, to look at the sun and you.

Wild goose's permitting is given public recognition, the face of concussion is tiny and red, song knee way:"The maidservant just don't be ungrateful to a teaching of madam."

You ungrateful wretch!

The ungrateful little man bit his master.

Power regards the suffering of victims as ungrateful.

If you treat life rescuers so ungrateful, sooner or later, you will be punished by heaven.

He seems so ungrateful for anything we did that we have given up trying to help him.

At the age of sixteen, you are a downright loser. But at that time, you were willing to be a loser, not as ungrateful as you are now.

Thee one absolutely unselfish friend that man can have in this selfish world, the one that never deserts him, the one that never proves ungrateful or treacherous is his dog.

A mean person is always ungrateful and ungrateful.

It's a cowardly, incompetent, ungrateful, crazy girl.

After all we had done, he was still ungrateful.

He carries it day in and day out and the ungrateful little twerp won't even let me have one piece!

I would be an ungrateful wretch if I didn't tell you at least once that it was you who brought some meaning back into my life.


You ungrateful wretch!

A mean person is always ungrateful. Ungrateful is a mean part.

He didn't even say thank you. It's unbelievable how can a man be so ungrateful?

Nor was Martin ungrateful, knowing as he did the lives of the poor, and that if ever in the world there was charity, this was it.

Virginia Woolf: I am ungrateful?

Jealousy and ungrateful people only destroy their lives.

'What is it this time?' asked Mr Bumble impatiently. 'Don't be so ungrateful. This gentleman is going to look after you.'

No doubt that sounds ungrateful.

For those who have helped us, we must not be ungrateful.

An ungrateful part of being ungrateful.

I thought I should choke; I could not tell any one, for that would have been ungrateful.

Don't be ungrateful, at any time, any things.

I thought it was ungrateful of her.

"I'm an ungrateful beast, I know," sobbed Toad, shedding bitter tears.

Most people are so ungrateful to be alive,but not you,not over.大多數人都忘恩負義不知感激的活着,但是不會是你,再也不會是了。遊戲結束。

I like to watch the irony of bullying people, ungrateful, bullying the poor love the rich, for the rich and inhumane villains of the play, I admire the heroes who punish such villains.

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