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That perches in the soul and sings the elegy without the words, and never stope.

The neo-Gothic Swallow's Nest castle perches 130 feet (40 meters) above the Black Sea near Yalta in southern Ukraine.

The birds have also staked out their perches in the lower branches while below Subaraj and Sue Lyn explore the green world beneath the canopy.

From their perches within the tower, which rises 110 feet above ground at the highest point, students are able to look out across huge expanses of the campus and beyond.

Ritz-Carlton, Half Moon Bay, California, USAAbout 30 miles south of San Francisco, the Ritz-Carlton Half Moon Bay perches on a rocky cliff face looking out to the Pacific.

Three or four birds were moving restlessly on their perches.

Abruzzi perches above Gus, and then slowly presses the shattered bulb down over Gus’ left eye.

Donald perches on a nearby tree and aims his beak in the same direction. Rat-a-tat-tat, he calls into the air.

The mother bird spreads its wings and flies from a distance, perches lightly at the edge of the nest. The bird takes its first sweet delicacy from its mother's mouth, showing happiness and happiness in its eyes.


The jackdaw perches and starts anew.

Hope is the thing with feather that perches in the soul.

This hill resembles an elephant sucking water. The elephant Eye Rock perches high up the hill, with a hole running through it from left to right.

Anderson perches in a chair at the head of the class, writing sentences on an LCD projector with a blank in the middle for the girls to fill in from a list of vocabulary words.

The father positioned himself on one of the highest perches.

For their high perches and protective cockpits of reinforced armor, the AT-AT pilots are often regarded with contempt by the foot soldier infantry.

The birds were hopping about on their perches and twittering.

one of the largest natural groups of fishes of both marine and fresh water: true perches; basses; tuna.

a shelter with perches for fowl or other birds.

A majority then bought into a message of hope and change without fully realizing hope is so very fragile (" a thing with feathers, That perches in the soul ") and change is scary-messy.

A desert village perches "on the edge of the hot sands like a small harbour on the edge of a great sea".

pike-like freshwater perches.

A rhinoceros hornbill— one of54 species of hornbills— perches on a fig tree in Gunung Palung National Park.

The cage mates have no perches and are continually at war for standing room.

Tags:perches 造句
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