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For modularity and to introduce the concept of functions, the sort routine itself is implemented as a separate procedure along with the array print routine.

So that's very interesting, but windshield installation is sort of a routine and boring task.

This routine takes in two arguments, the second being the absolute value of time by which, if the lock could not be acquired, the routine returns with a non-zero status.

The team has also had to deal with the hot and steamy weather of Shenzhen while practicing their routine.

When even Mr Dosman recognises on page 431 that an UNCTAD conference involved “a routine of merciless boredom”, the reader empathises.

In a study of 60 patients at an English psychiatric hospital, none had an autistic condition diagnosed after routine screening, despite 11 later being shown to have been confirmed cases.

Do I like routine or variety?

Gradually the six men settled into a routine.

Aniston's body is flawless, showing off the results of her intensive yoga workout routine.

This routine is called to inquire about the interface's identifier and major or minor versions of the interface's UUID.

Trollope's strict work routine enabled him to keep his day job as a civil servant while being such a prolific writer.

Much of the rest sets out the grim routine and costly errors of an insurgent war: searching for weapons, enduring daily attacks, dealing with locals who could be friend, foe, or something in between.


It's the power of example and routine.

It should be called at the very end of the procedural logic of the routine to inform the tracer that the routine is finished.

The manager allowed his secretary to run with the routine work.

Jet lag is the best known circadian rhythm disorder, but this sensitive inner clock can also be disrupted by changes in routine resulting in an erratic sleep schedule.

Adjusting to a new routine can be difficult, so sabbatical-takers would do well spending their time in an area or country where it's easy for them to adjust and focus on learning and exploration.

Complete the wizard for each routine type the same way.

It sounds fanciful. But so too, not that long ago, did rapid and routine intercontinental air travel.

So that's very interesting, but windshield installation is sort of a routine and boring task. What about creative tasks where the deliverable is not preordained?

'it started with a routine visit to my obstetrician's office.

If you have specific health problems, check with your doctor before implementing a routine to boost fitness.

Based on geochemical technical tests conducted in the Yanzidong ore block, western Yunnan, the authors used the hydrochemical survey as the Grade 3 inspection method for high canyon target areas, and rearranged the methods for routine stream sediment survey and soil survey.

By March, Madeleine and Leonard had gotten into a routine of spending every night together.

Break your routine - Going through the same routine, day after day, can be monotonous and depressing.

Many parents find it easiest to start by limiting daytime use, then work their way up to phasing it out of the nighttime routine.

Assist in the routine function of Personnel Administration as well as staff welfare& benefit and all staff activities.

As you begin to move into your "nightly routine," your mind will get the signal that it's time to chill out and tune down, dialing down stress hormones and physiologically preparing you for sleep.

A morning routine can also help you get out the door faster with little fuss.

Establish a relaxing bedtime routine - a regular routine, such as having a bath or listening to soothing music, can help you fall asleep and stay asleep.

Tags:routine 造句
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