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“being used”簡單造句,being used造句子

欄目: 造句 / 發佈於: / 人氣:1.3W

7、The path specified is being used in a substitute.

11、The used capacity line shows how much of the resources are actually being used.

15、There are many thousand kinds of alloys now being used in engineering, each (being) with some specific properties .

19、There is a small professional staff prepared a batch process , I believe we all used or are being used.

23、More and more electronic imaging systems are being used in updated television, cinematography and advertisement making.

27、Use a database profiling tool to see what indexes are being used when querying, and that entire tables are not being locked when doing updates.

31、A lot of good properties caused the chrysotile asbestos to be used widely, even the tailing, mining residue and serpentinite are already being used comprehensively.

35、Stem cells, nanotechnology, genetic engineering and therapeutic cloning are being used in the relatively new field of anti-aging medicine.

39、The medical instruments used by those "doctors" were not thoroughly disinfected before being used. The same needle and blood transfusion tube could be used to more than one hundred men in a day!

43、The cameras take a photo every time you open the fridge to show what's being used and what you are about to use up.

47、The paper researches oil and electric circuit inspection adjustment technology of gasoline motor car being used at present, and checks its achievements, it has definite value.

4、how you see the building being used.

9、It is also being used to carry out experiments.

14、The reason the world is in chaos is because things are being loved and people are being used.

20、These drugs are already being used to treat some infected patients.

25、If you don't have the value of being used in the eyes of others, it means that you are not, being used as a definite affirmation, insisting on being used by others, and perhaps one day, the people who use you will be willing to be used by you.

30、You can determine the types of locks being used from the Data Definition Language (DDL) schema files used to create the database.

36、By the same token, the technology being used to extract oil today has been in the works since the 1970s.

41、This set of guidelines is not meant to be a formulaic set of rules, because the appropriate assays depend in part on the question being asked and the system being used.

46、The level of oxygenation is highly correlated with neural activity in the same regions, so we can see which parts of the brain are being used.

5、" Don't you think, " I stuttered10, " that being divorced is like being used? Like being damaged goods?"

12、The next line shows us that while 231MB is being used, only 86MB of this is actually being used by applications; the rest is being used for buffers and cache.

18、And when the tub isn't being used for laundry, it can be used to transport water for the family.

26、Virtual humans have been around for many years, even being used as a way to teach men about the pressures of being a young girl.

33、Scope creep is a term used to define a series of small scope changes that are made to the project without scope-change management procedures being used.

40、Due to the reputation of turkeys being incredibly stupid, the term "Turkey" began being used as a slang, derogatory term meaning something akin to "idiot" around the early 20th century.

1、Is a registry being used?

8、This has to be mapped before being used.

17、In education, I see a blog being used to deliver news and updates to a class, and a wiki being used to work on projects, assignments, and notes.

28、In a sense, language is primary symbol and character is secondary symbol. However, the connotation of culture is being made explicit in the language being used.

37、"Clutter" (clutter) means many small things that are unorganized, not being used, or not where they're supposed to be.

45、OBJECTIVE To investigate the limit contents for heavy metals and pesticide residues in vegetable drugs from the main pharmacopoeias being used in the world.

10、Figure 2 shows a screenshot of the tool being used.

22、They were originally targeted for outsourced manufacturing, but are increasingly being used internally.

34、CIT's plight is meanwhile being used as ammunition in a rancorous debate over how to handle failed financial firms.

being used造句

2、The verb is being used intransitively.

16、But Seoul recognizes that the Sea of Japan moniker is being widely used and would accept, for now, both names being used concurrently.

32、In case any realty or chattel owned by any entity or individual is used or damaged or lost after being used, corresponding compensation shall be made.

3、The verb is being used transitively.

24、Compared with personal pronouns and possessive determiners, possessive pronouns are rarely being used.

44、Forrest Bird came up with the first reliable mechanical ventilators which is mass-produced for acute and chronic cardiopulmonary care and being used today.

29、I felt as if my energy was being used to promote proper bodily functions, instead of being suppressed by my digestive system.

13、Henning said many animals were being poached, with wire traps being used to kill giraffe and deer.

6、Note: Alignment depends the compiler switches being used.

21、Some solar units are already being used in the relief effort.

42、The thesis argues what is the relation of Dasein and being used the horizon of he thought about world in being and Time and why it was fundamental ontology has important significance.

38、All the user data is synchronized with the cloud, the local storage being used just as a cache.

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