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It turns out that the absence of joined-up government is just as deplorable in Polish bureaucracy as it is in Lithuania.

But to take advantage of the new world fully, overseas Banks will have to navigate the expense and bureaucracy of incorporating locally, and thus subject themselves to rules governing domestic Banks.

They partner with the state, even when they are dismissive of its bureaucracy.

And even the most enlightened and modernized interagency apparatus is still a bureaucracy, prone to the same parochial and self-serving tendencies as the system it has replaced.

raged at the mindless bureaucracy.

He clearly could not function without a strong chief of staff to shield him from the day-to-day management of the bureaucracy and to implement his dicision.


Even a small miscalculation - an underpayment of just one cent - can trigger an avalanche of bureaucracy.

Serb man was so enraged at the bureaucracy blocking the import of a car he wanted to give his wife as a Women's Day present, he went to the customs depot and smashed it up with a metal bar.

But centralised production adds expensive layers of bureaucracy, and it is hard to make it work in emerging markets where populations are often widely scattered and distribution systems abysmal.

More than a few of our comrades limit their vision to the people around them and invariably pick for promotion people they happen to know, instead of selecting the best by going deep among the masses. This, too, is bureaucracy of a sort.

Despite the waste and folly of its bureaucracy, despite the slander and polarisation of its election campaigns, America's system of government is extraordinarily robust and flexible.

There is widespread opposition to ceding these powers to a European bureaucracy, and the courts of many countries would probably rule it a constitutional violation.

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