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The conservatory USES its own mower to keep the grass in Moe's area clipped short so he doesn't trip.

A deaf gardener, aproned, masked with Matthew Arnold's face, pushes his mower on the sombre lawn watching narrowly the dancing motes of grasshalms.

Then as you grow your eyes move smoothly down the line like a lawn mower, then you stop a split second on a word, then start back up again.

Unable to start the lawn mower, he rushes toward his father for help.

One day he was teaching his seven-year-old son Kelly how to push the lawn mower around the yard.

As David turned to answer the question, Kelly pushed the lawn mower right through the flower bed at the edge of the lawn — leaving a two-foot wide path leveled to the ground!

I borrowed a mower from my neighbor to cut grass in my garden.

This kind of hydraulic system applies to hydraulic lift machines, snow wipe machine, mower, Jack, the bike with battery and automobile.

You want to be extra careful, especially if your mower is still under a warranty.

I saw an advert for a robot lawn mower just punch a computer tape with distances, put the cassette in and plug in the cord. All I'll have to do is be on the lounge and watch.

"Can't we dig it out?" I asked after I hit it full speed with the lawn mower, breaking the blade.

Thy body is white like the lilies of the field that the mower hath never mowed.

With that said, I would never promote some sort of "physical product" like a lawn mower, refrigerator, tool set, dishes, etc...


Because his beard is so thick, instead of using a rotary lawn mower he should use a push lawn mower.

"I'm going to try out the lawn mower," said Mom.

Tags:mower 造句
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