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Me: God can not be ruled out "to self-centered"?

Lorry sat at greatbooks ruled for figures, with perpendicular iron bars to his window asif that were ruled for figures too, and everything under the cloudswere a sum.

She was a huge tigress and ruled for a long time.

Judges eventually ruled in the website's favor because there was no evidence to suggest the posts were not genuine.

Certainty of law is a basic belief of a society ruled by law and certainty of adjudication reflects judicial fairness.

At a day-to-day level, however, relations between Chile and its neighbours are less tense than they were three decades ago when all were ruled by generals.

UPDATE: A court has ruled that there is not enough evidence to convict Mr Nemtsov of insubordination towards the police and sent the case back to the police for further investigation.

Where an arbitration verdict is ruled not to be executed by the people's court, the litigant may go to arbitration again with the written agreement of arbitration reached by both parties, as well as lodge a complaint with the people's court.

Capricorn is ruled by Saturn.

Khan's death is now ruled a homicide.

There, the privileged aristocracy ruled the whole of India.

However, she has not ruled out the possibility that previous characters may appear in flashbacks.

Wang ruled out: The Yankees plan to call up a Minor League pitcher for Sunday's start, Torre said, as Chien-Ming Wang has been ruled out to pitch on short rest.

A court in then or theastern city of vicenza ruled the display was af or m of abuse dooming the crustaceans to a slow death by suffocation.

As a result of thinking, the article attempts to prove it is not incidental but inevitable for right to silence system to be established in many countries ruled by law from its origination.

A region and former duchy of central Germany north and east of the Main and Rhine rivers. The region became a duchy in1806 and was absorbed by Prussia in1866. Members of the original dynasty subsequently ruled Luxembourg and the Netherlands(as the house of Orange).

The king ruled with a heavy hand.

A woman by whom the realm is ruled when there is a king, and through whom it is ruled when there is not.

That classification, content, impoundment, loss and outside usage of the business registration archives should be ruled in detail.

It is unclear whether the experiments ruled out other possible factors such as the presence of more pollution in urban areas than forests.

Reversing an earlier decision by a district judge, a federal appeals court ruled that a class action pitting Enron shareholders against three Banks that had refused to settle could not go ahead.


Bismarck ruled Germany by a strong hand.

During the war Britain was ruled by a coalition.

In1973, the Supreme Court ruled that states may ban materials found to be obscene according to local standards.

There was an emperor for each one and then there was also a Caesar for each one, so there are four rulers who ruled the Roman Empire in the year 300.

The ideas of economists and political philosophers, both when they are right and when they are wrong are more powerful than is commonly understood. Indeed, the world is ruled by little else.經濟學家和*哲學家們的思想,不論它們在對的時候還是在錯的時候,都比一般所設想的要更有力量。的確,世界就是由他們統治着。

The judicial independence is a basic sign of the modern country ruled by law.

In another part of the opinion, the court ruled, 2-1, that the E.P.A. had overstepped its authority in calibrating standards for ozone emissions.

Once you've ruled out the impossible,whatever remains,however improbable,must be true.排除所有不可能的因素之後,無論剩下的多麼難以置信,那就是真相。--Sherlock Holmes

The High Court ruled against it, and said he was legal.

But it did not call for further offshore drilling to be ruled out; on the contrary, it stressed a belief that, if properly managed and regulated, the risks of offshore drilling are still acceptable.

The court ruled that the claim was null and void.

The Pentagon is still searching for a new color for the food packets it is dropping over Afghanistan, but ruled out light blue because Afghans might object to a shade that dominates U.N. and Israeli flags, a U.S. defense official said last Thursday.

In the past, the French colonists who ruled Niger had a policy of government ownership of trees.

The courts ruled that the doctors had no option but to kill.

A judge ruled on Friday April 3rd that the adoption of Chifundo could not go ahead because Madonna had not fulfilled residency requirements.

The Chairman ruled against admitting the press to this meeting.

Charles I ruled (England) for eleven years.

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