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The husband and wife were like czar and peasant, chairman of the board, and receptionist.

Earlier today, President Obama announced that he plans to create the position of a 'cyber czar' in the White House.

"The French stage had been revolutionized by the Italian composer L. Cherubini, the musical czar of Paris and the link between classic idealism and modern romanticism."

The best example I can think of offhand, I should let this wait, but Peter the Great, the czar of the Russians, who may or may not have beaten his son to death, at least he ordered him tortured.

The U.S. pay czar will give Benmosche leeway on pay.

A proclamation of a czar having the force of law in imperial Russia.

Yeltsin's critics: that the Russian President, emerging victorious from the Moscow barricades, would turn from avenging reformer to usurping czar, a role with many parallels in Russian history.

A racetrack czar;an energy czar.

Cherubini, the musical czar of Paris and the link between classic idealism and modern romanticism.

The government's drug czar says that Michael Jackson's death is a wake-up call to the nation about prescription drug abuse.


The wife of a Russian czar.

In 1994, Robert Rubin, then President Clinton's economic czar, tapped Schapiro, then nine months pregnant, to take over the CFTC.

But after one of Peter's victories, the Russian ambassador in Vienna reported that the news of Peter's victory, people began to fear the czar as they formerly feared Sweden.

The U. S. returned a stolen silver medallion that belonged to the last Russian czar to Moscow.

You didn't have to go to some fancy school if you were a czar, to be a czar in training. You had tutors as all these folks did.

He promulgates decrees as czar about daily life.

The second part of Obama's plan is the creation of an auto czar with vague duties.

The U.N.’s drug czar, Yury Fedotov, said at the report’s launch Thursday that illicit drug use is harmful to stability, security and health in many parts of the world.

DNA testing identifies nine bone fragments found in an unmarked grave in a Siberian forest near Ekaterinburg as those of Nicholas II — the last czar of Russia — and members of his family.

Tags:czar 造句
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