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Swine influenza (swine flu) is an acute viral infection of the respiratory tract in pigs caused by type A influenza virus.

Kotloff says that influenza is a wily virus, one that is difficult to predict.

It is a contagious respiratory disease of pigs caused by type a influenza viruses. Pigs are hit by regular outbreaks.

Most avian influenza viruses do not infect humans; however some, such as H5N1, have caused serious infections in people.

“Locating the presence of flu geographically based on people's search terms” during the H1N1 influenza pandemic in 2009, he says, was “a really cutting edge use”.

Alan Barrett of the University of Texas says travel by carriers of influenza, be they people in aeroplanes or birds on the wing, means regional mutations quickly spread around the world.

The risk of pandemic influenza is serious.

Do migratory birds spread highly pathogenic avian influenza viruses?

First, let me clarify the difference between seasonal flu, avian flu, and human pandemic influenza.

Although influenza can worsen these conditions and contribute to death, testing for influenza viruses is not done in most cases, and deaths are usually attributed to an underlying medical condition.

The Turkey experience demonstrates the dangers posed by avian influenza in birds and the vital importance of surveillance and effective early warning systems.

Out of 12 specimens tested by latex, 5 cases were positive for Neisseria meningitidis W135 by latex, 2 for Hemophilus influenza B, 1 for Streptococcus pneumoniae and 4 were negative.


These differences meet the criteria for an influenza pandemic.

In 2009, the emergence of the new H1N1 influenza virus saw the world brace itself for the first influenza pandemic since 1968.

Papers published last year provide evidence that influenza viruses mix and mutate in the tropics.

The speed and thoroughness with which influenza-like illness in these nurses was investigated are indicative of the heightened concern among Indonesian health authorities.

Crises like the food crisis, the financial crisis, climate change, and pandemic influenza will deepen the misery and worsen the health of people and countries that already suffer the most.

Since no one can accurately predict which, or how many, of the circulating influenza viruses will infect them, the trivalent seasonal influenza vaccine will provide the broadest protection.

Wild waterfowl are the natural reservoir of all influenza a viruses, and these viruses are usually nonpathogenic in these birds.

Are there lessons to be learned from the smallpox eradication campaign that can be applied to efforts under way to fight the influenza a (H1N1) pandemic?

During the meeting, they discussed the sharing of influenza viruses with the WHO Network of Collaborating Centres for Influenza.

By making our estimates available each day, flu Trends may provide an early-warning system for outbreaks of influenza.

The appointment is critical as the world is fast recognizing the risk of an imminent human influenza pandemic, and is taking steps to reduce the risk and to get prepared.

From avian influenza to humanitarian crises, health issues were in the news throughout 2006.

Should people continue to be vaccinated against seasonal influenza?

Surveillance for human cases in China intensified over the past month following a recurrence of highly pathogenic H5N1 avian influenza in poultry.

Q46:Can I use other disinfectants registered by the EPA specifically against influenza A virus to clean my respirator?

Antibiotics work against bacteria, not viruses, yet patients who press their doctors to prescribe them for viral infections such as colds or influenza are seldom harmed by their self-indulgence.

For seasonal influenza, around 90% of deaths occur in the elderly.

And we have a new framework that sets out obligations for the sharing of influenza viruses and of benefits, like medicines and vaccines, during an influenza pandemic.

Tags:influenza 造句
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