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MIT hosts Voting Technology Project conference to reinvigorate public discussion on election integrity.

During your breaks, however, a trip outside or a peek out of an open window can help reinvigorate you.

We shall adopt various forms to set free and reinvigorate the state-owned medium and small-sized enterprises, standardize the operations and pay attention to the actual effect.

Lutz, who served as vice chairman with Chrysler, has agreed to a three-year deal in a move intended to help the world's largest automaker reinvigorate its product development.

The objective is to reinvigorate the talks.

The view on several missions of reinvigorate old Industrial base;

Mixed up with wealth and honor, wife and son, or take this opportunity to turn the tide and reinvigorate China?

And have we been able to reinvigorate international institutions to deal with transnational threats, like climate change, that we can't solve on our own?

To your wife, child, siblings, parents, a friend or a retired colleague. A 5 minute keep-in-touch call will lift your spirits for hours and reinvigorate you to get your work done.

Several suggestions to reinvigorate HeiLongJiang old industial base;

Third, international trade and investment should be promoted in order to build an open world economy and reinvigorate global growth.

Farmers say they must plow under some of the stalks, cobs and leaves to reinvigorate the soil but can harvest most of this plant matter.

What should Hubei do to reinvigorate its economy?

If you want to reinvigorate the economy, large and medium-sized state-owned enterprises should Be invigorated first of all.

In the meantime, it may open a new avenue for China to reinvigorate trade with science and technology and combine technology, industry with trade, thus making new contributions to the optimization of China's export mix and sustainable development of foreign trade.

The exploitation of soft environment is the key to reinvigorate HeiLongJiang economy;


We need to reinvigorate the economy of the area.

Self reliance: rebirth, life again, metaphor revival. To rely on external force and rely on one's own strength to reinvigorate oneself and do things well.

Earnings are still less bad, rather than genuinely good, however, and that's not doing much to reinvigorate investors.

We will accelerate development of new-and high-technology industries, reinvigorate the equipment manufacturing industry, energetically develop renewable energy sources, systematically develop alternative energy sources and widely apply advanced technologies to upgrade traditional industries.

The WHA adopted a resolution to reinvigorate efforts in clean drinking water, sanitation and health.

The holidays present a perfect opportunity to reinvigorate your relationship and restore any fading romance.

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