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You could try the seemingly clever approach of measuring execution times until they converge.

I have treated hundreds of these situations where individuals have been able to experience release of seemingly hopeless issues.

Pisaster is just one of scores of species thathave adapted to innumerable micro-habitats with a seemingly endless variety ofphysical shapes and lifestyles.

"The Missiles of October" conveyed not the muddled confusion of a seemingly intractable crisis, but a stark moral conflict in which wisdom defeated rashness.

They feel that if they can quickly discover what they want to do, they can get started on it right away, rather than waste time doing seemingly unrelated things.

Any seemingly viable proposition will be tested by market research.

What could make a seemingly rational couple condone behavior that is so obviously rude?

For months, we've been looking forward to the seemingly inevitable matchup between the 67-win Spurs and 73-win Warriors.

Sometimes it will mean doing inconvenient, unpopular, costly, or seemingly impossible tasks. It will often mean doing the opposite of what you feel like doing.

Mr Nkunda's extradition by Rwanda to Congo could take some heat off Mr Kabila and help him sell a seemingly unholy alliance with Mr Kagame to the sceptical Congolese: a tricky task.

However, sometimes a seemingly benign introduction creates environmental travesty and ecosystem despair.

The only backing music is a keyboard playing seemingly random notes, and a voice in the background with some effects.

About two months later, Jenniskens was standing, map in hand, in the middle of the Nubian Desert near the end of a seemingly interminable day wondering whether he had made a mistake.


Cane toads are seemingly innocuous enough.

To her this seemingly lower claim is actually much more realistic, much more believable and much more appealing.

"There is no doubt that Satao is dead, killed by an ivory poacher's poisoned arrow to feed the seemingly insatiable demand for ivory in far-off countries," Mr Moller said.

The book’s account of how countries made seemingly counterproductive policy choices is simplistic at best.

In the private space that defend bath crock, closestool, these seemingly no character defends bath product is often the most can reflect the female's characteristics.

Mayola Williams is an example of the power of perseverance over a seemingly unbeatable adversary.

She plays with seemingly effortless skill.

Democrats often respond to such seemingly utopian proposals with the objection that democracy is a priority: Let's democratize the system first, and then we can think about how to improve democracy.

He is seemingly to have lost enthusiasm in reading.

Materials seemingly unrelated to the original intended message are often used to create associations, build in tacit meanings, provide emotional effects, and ultimately avoid censorship.

President Bush spoke in the cemetery's amphitheater - a massive white structure surrounded by seemingly endless rows of small white headstones.

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