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Hampton had been given the bills for safekeeping by a business partner.

Frigates and armed steamers crowded the nearby waters known as Hampton Roads, one of the world's great natural harbors.

To be sure, it is only the rare firm that can be as bad as Hampton House was and survive for any extended period of time.

Increased UV light may break down water molecules in the upper atmosphere, reducing cloud formation, says James Russell of Hampton University in Virginia, who was not involved in the study.

Benny Goodman and Lionel Hampton

Lionel Hampton was known for making others feel good.

In fact, even though Hampton has been franchising since 1984, it's the youngest franchisor in the top 10.

Born in Louisville, Kentucky in 1908, Lionel Hampton was drawn to the thumping of drums and crashing of cymbals at an early age.

就在法拉格特佔領新奧爾良的幾周前,一種新的海戰形式出現在維吉尼亞海域的漢普頓(Hampton Roads)上,這是鐵皮戰艦的第一次交鋒。

Dat watch belong by rights ter lil Wade Hampton."

The tests were conducted by NHTSA and the Energy and defense departments at a defense facility near Hampton Roads, Va.

Over a decade ago I spent a year working at a "residence club" that I'll call Hampton House, a kind of misbegotten hybrid somewhere between a five-star hotel and a youth hostel.

Lionel Hampton dead at age 94.

Yet exposure to Austrian philosophy has forced me to rethink almost everything I once believed about Hampton House.

聽得吉恩·克魯帕這個名字,腦海裏馬上浮現出他在本尼·古德曼樂團演奏的“Sing Sing Sing”獨奏曲,心情上不禁想説一句“請饒了我吧”。不過細聽他在古德曼全盛時代留下的唱片,得知那種譁眾取寵的鼓聲莫如説是例外情況,平日的克魯帕作為節奏部的一員始終一絲不苟,堅守工匠式演奏。 尤其同泰迪·威爾遜、古德曼合作組成的三重奏以及加入Lionel Hampton的四重奏中,他自始至終為沒有貝司的樂隊負責奠定流暢而堅定的台基。實際上他的鼓聲也十分勝任。雖然從他敲擊的“微笑鼓點”中很難找出搖撼心魄般的深沉的動感(groovy),但他把當時黑人鼓手們帶有泥土味兒(eathy)的搖擺翻譯成了白人聽眾容易接受的形式——他的這一概念是切實可行而又富於進取精神的

The situation deteriorated further at the Hampton Court Conference of January 1604.


We got lost in Hampton Court maze.

Sununu and his wife, Nancy, recently were named to the honorary post of Hampton Falls' hog reeve, complete with a swearing-in ceremony and a badge.

But in 2008, a jail inmate named Philander Hampton confessed - the memory was "wearing me down," he said - to helping his cousin, Mr.

If you're worried that your application never arrived, wait five days and call the employer to ask for confirmation, suggests J.T. o 'donnell, a career strategist in North Hampton, n.h..

"When Wade Hampton comes of age, he's going to be a rich young man," he said.

They had a house on Spring Park Lane in East Hampton.

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