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“extensive research”簡單造句,extensive research造句子

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7、Dr Campbell has done extensive research on the effects of food and health.

11、Being an ornithologist requires years of higher education, and many ornithologists lead extensive research projects to promote bird conservation.

15、Success in these interscholastic activities requires extensive research and persuasive skills. Kaya also holds the degree of Special Distinction, as a member of the National Forensic League.

19、For a stable and reliable use of OPGW in the heavy ice areas, the power consumers, design institutes and OPGW manufacturers are paying much attention to it and are carrying through extensive research.

3、So far, many scholars have been carried out extensive research in plants of Nitraria.

8、Work teams, total quality management and extensive research and development programs help make Brady a leader in the serves.

13、Although present knowledge of nutrition is not complete, a considerable amount of information already has been acquired through extensive research efforts in the field.

18、This involves extensive research using highly sophisticated equipment that allows Garti and Aserin to study the nanostructure of the new vehicles and the locus of the solubilizate (nutraceutical) at the interface.

4、Clayton and his team have done extensive research into phishing sites hosted on cracked web servers.

10、To mental health education as a leader, to carry out extensive research and education and teaching activities.

17、The extensive research on gas hydrate started at the moment when people were encountered the problem of plugging, which was resulted from gas hydrate in the pipeline transport of natural gas.

5、This is why the organisation does extensive research, takes on local writers and uses native languages.

14、Their extensive research convinced them that the prevailing notions about women’s participation in the war—that they had to be deranged or depraved—were way off the mark.

extensive research造句

2、He has carried out extensive research into renewable energy sources.

16、The central role of high heels in a woman's psyche emerged during Debenhams continuing extensive research into the entire women's shoe market.

9、Both these films were accompanied by elaborately annotated books to display the extensive research that shaped the screenplays.

6、Dr Barnard teaches and conducts extensive research into the causation of various diseases.

12、At the same time, Changping Town, but also extensive research, collecting information for China's development of new AIDS prevention strategies and measures to provide the real basis.

1、The report is underpinned by extensive research.

20、The movie's director, Gus Van Sant, and his team did extensive research at the historical society to accurately portray Milk's life, his possessions, his political career and his slaying at age 48.

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