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This was done by increasing the power of engines and making the aircraft fuselage more streamlined.

The idea is simple enough: SEZs are enclaves with streamlined procedures, tax breaks and good infrastructure that will lure investors in export-oriented industries.

With a more aerodynamic shape and framed by a curved tail plane, these engines would make for a more streamlined aircraft, as well as directing most of their noise upward.

The streamlined form also fares well on windy rooftops.

Behind the scenes, Jobs also streamlined the product line, reduced the head count, consolidated distribution, and slimmed inventory.

The requirements gathering process is streamlined because you no longer need to get all project teams to agree on record types and state transitions.


Think longer, leaner wings and a more streamlined body.

Many designers choose to use this streamlined design for everything from movie posters, to band posters, to AD posters.

A: It is anticipated that your application will be more streamlined as the caseworker will be assessing fewer documents. However, please bear in mind that faster processing times cannot be guaranteed.

In such a case, client-side validation is disruptive to a highly repetitive, streamlined work mode.

Schema design is also streamlined.

The set alone, with its Napoleonic eagle and tendrils of ivy, made this show seem polished and with a depth of thought behind streamlined clothes.

The Masters have "knee-action" front wheels, new all-steel "turret" tops by Fisher Bodies, are longer, roomier, more streamlined.

This new streamlined navigation bar obviously poses some phishing risks, because it doesn't make the domain and SSL status of the current site easily visible to users.

What is needed is a streamlined tool to traverse the task structure.

They have unquestionably streamlined operations, saved money, and led to great efficiency gains.

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