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“out of the sky”簡單造句,out of the sky造句子

欄目: 造句 / 發佈於: / 人氣:2.81W

7、The fierce competition has caused many people to throw their professional ethics out of the sky.

11、When one comes out of the sky and hits the ground the potential for real damage is there.

15、But shooting down its own satellite shows that China could now blast someone else's out of the sky, too.

19、But she felt it, creeping out of the sky, reaching toward her through the sounds, the scents, the color that filled the air.

out of the sky造句

2、The jumbo jet was blasted out of the sky.

6、All of a sudden, a loud booming voice comes out of the sky.

12、All of sudden, a loud booming voice comes out of the sky. "You will find no fish under that ice."

17、Just as I's taken to the safety of the highest tree in the woods , you come wriggling down out of the sky ! Ugh … Serpents !

1、light leaks out of the sky.

8、 Blue sky, blue is a little black, white clouds like silver, like big white flowers in the sky, like heavy and falling out of the sky, and the sky is higher, not so high.

14、In several cases, rogue satellites have been shot out of the sky to prevent them crashing to Earth.

21、It is only from a dozen centimeters in diameter to the pores, Klaette try for a couple of places, cannot be a glancing out of the sky.

9、who perhaps had batted a kite out of the sky to play with.

18、Thousands of people began to call in, swamping the 911 dispatchers with reports of sonic booms and metal falling out of the sky.

5、After the crash, onlookers said that the plane had suddenly dropped down out of the sky.

20、The vast world is just a big river and lake, with a kind of indifferent and tranquil mind, leaving all the troubles out of the sky.

13、 The young intellectuals laughed and sang less, and skating rinks and swimming pools had long been out of the sky.

10、However, the Blue Book is so ridiculous that I leave all the "principles of fairness" out of the sky.

16、I like snow, like the beautiful arc gliding out of the sky at the moment of falling snow, just like the classical ballet, so light and elegant.

4、Airplanes don't fall out of the sky like stones.

3、Why didn't they fall out of the sky?

Tags:sky 造句
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