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“uphill battle”簡單造句,uphill battle造句子

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The team is facing an uphill battle in Ordos after the Chengdu win.

Ms Torres's candidacy faces an uphill battle, in terms of both legality and popularity, but it's still too soon to write her off.

The international financial crisis has made it more difficult to attain the UN Millennium Development Goals (MDGs). It will be an uphill battle to achieve the set objectives by 2015.

Don't think [the other] side is fighting an uphill battle.

But Feinstein and other lawmakers who back the ban say they know it faces an uphill battle in Congress.

Fulbright was from Fayetteville, and most of my friends, though they liked Bumpers, felt obligated to help the senator in what was sure to be an all-uphill battle.

But South Africa's authorities, along with the rhinos, face an uphill battle.

It has always been an uphill battle to persuade potential sources to betray their countries or groups in the face of such risk.

It will still be an uphill battle.

June 23, 2010-in Rwanda, one of the world's most densely populated landlocked countries, farmers face an uphill battle - literally - to get the best they can from the soil.

Teaching your kids responsibility may seem like an uphill battle, but they're absorbing more than you know.

Judge Orie pointed out that getting evidence in this case was an uphill battle for prosecutors.

There's always going to be another mountain I'm always going to want to make it move always going to be an uphill battle.

uphill battle造句

This was proving an uphill battle.

It will be an uphill battle.

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