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And that suggests an extraterrestrial diversity of molecules far greater than the chemical makeup of Earth.

As we enter a new decade — the year 2010 - a clear pronouncement of our likely alien ancestry and of the existence of extraterrestrial life on a cosmic scale.

Free of vegetation, the gray and white lava-covered peak of the Ubinas Volcano looks like it could be located on the Moon or some other extraterrestrial body.

Having trouble discovering extraterrestrial life?

We haven't found extraterrestrial life, and apparently it hasn't found us.

This used spare processing capacity on ordinary PCs to sift through radio-telescope data for signs of extraterrestrial intelligence.

They're evidence of extraterrestrial visitation, time travelers or lost civilizations like Atlantis - or perhaps they're here to show us that some ancient peoples were far more advanced than we think.

Instead, it is an early warning System for extraterrestrial incursion.

Martin Rees, the astronomer royal, calls the search for extraterrestrial life the most important scientific endeavour of our time.

"I know a number of Jesuits who work at the Vatican observatory and they see themselves as serious scientists who are trying to answer the extraterrestrial intelligence (ETI) question," said Peters.

The standard approach to answering that question focuses on the search for extraterrestrial intelligence.

So while the idea of DNA riding aboard extraterrestrial objects has been floated before, this is the first time we've been presented real evidence backing that notion.

Whether or not extraterrestrial entities are visiting earth is an argument for another time and place.


Not every UFO is extraterrestrial.

”( A guest may still leave clutching something extraterrestrial, however— Binzel has on occasion rewarded the star-unstruck visitor with a tiny shard of an actual meteorite for his or her trouble.

Superchiral light could even aid the search for extraterrestrial life.

That has big implications for extraterrestrial biology, since life is based on carbon, and methane - which is made up of carbon and hydrogen - is a byproduct of metabolism.

Many of his movies are born from an image - of a spindly boy, a giant-brained extraterrestrial, a bug-eyed creature.

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