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Clutch does a good job abstracting away the mundane details of saving the view document.

not a fairy palace; yet a mundane wonder of unimagined kind; so terrene a being as himself.

I couldn't ask for more and am happy to have captured it - a mundane part of our everyday made more beautiful through the lens.

Some couples were given mundane tasks, while others took part in a silly exercise in which they were tied together and asked to crawl on MATS, pushing a foam cylinder with their heads.


God will never exempt you from the mundane.

All rules and regulations in the infest society are mundane and ready for people.

In a new study, the Stony Brook scientists will have couples playing either a mundane or exciting video game together while their brains are being scanned..

Ivetta seemed interested in things that Kostya found mundane, if not embarrassing—the details of the furniture plant, his boxing trials with Emil, his empty years after the fall of Communism.

Cigarettes are present in the most mundane aspects of society.

Profound thoughts about my past or future jostled with mundane thought clips about what groceries I needed to buy.

At a more mundane level, each country's array of export subsidies and duties and import barriers is a separate fiscal policy.

With a variety of free themes available, and with tools to make sharing videos and photos a cinch, Tumblr can make even the most mundane updates look visually stunning.

I find it humorous sometimes that even the most mundane occurrences can have an impact on our awareness.

For example, the concept of a registrar disappeared and was replaced with the term system, indicating that a decision had been made to automate many of the mundane aspects of enrollment.

It freed engineers from wasting time on mundane tasks so they could spend more time creating.

The level is mundane, and even the voiceovers, which reproduce the conversations of the plane's crew, are banal; war is boring, and most importantly not on the ground, but mediated through a screen.

For some, it may be just another mundane aspect of work life - putting on a game face to hide your inner unhappiness.

After all, college is about imparting knowledge, the collective inheritance of humanity - not about something as mundane as a job.

Moreover, due to the sophistication of the chips being used, the difference between PCs and many formerly mundane products is quickly narrowing.

While they may seem mundane, everyday activities can open the door to exciting new lessons.

Why do I squander so much mental energy on the mundane purchases of everyday life?

Tags:mundane 造句
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