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“reduce stress”簡單造句,reduce stress造句子

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Oxytocin is also thought to reduce stress levels, which again could lead to relaxation and sleepiness.

Fluoropolymer processing AIDS can also be added in small amounts to reduce stress at the die exit.

Coloring is no longer just for kids. The activity has been shown to reduce stress and relax your mind. Pick up those pencils and start getting creative.

To maintain the natural human nature, "childlike" and "frank", people must learn to play down the utility, reduce stress and cultivate a detached indifferent, quiet Zhiyuan realm of life.

reduce stress造句

After dark, dim the lights and try to reduce stress.

If you want to simplify your life and reduce stress, try silence.

Studies have shown that music helps you to relax, reduce stress, sleep better and uplift your mood.

Reducing weight can help reduce stress on the ER, which can lower the risk of insulin resistance and the resulting conditions.

Laughing helps us reduce stress and break old patterns too.

Moving to a quieter place could help reduce stress, which in turn can reduce cortisol levels and create conditions conducive to neuroplasticity.

Research finds that humor can help you cope better with pain, enhance your immune system, reduce stress, even help you live longer.

Even time spent doodling at work while talking on the phone can reduce stress, she says, and urges managers not to turn activities that might give them pleasure into pressured assignments.

It helps to reduce stress, to improve the immune system, to fight cancer and aging, to reduce other effects of radiation, to improve adrenal function.

Ms Sachs suggested that working parents, particularly mothers, regularly carve out time for themselves to reduce stress levels which would allow them to be more mentally present for their families.

Creative ways need to be found to reduce stress and revitalize tired workers.

Ms. Glickman recently started a project in her 'Personal Wellness' class. The assignment: change one aspect of your daily health routine to reduce stress, and keep a journal of your progress.

Fifteen minutes of yoga or Pilates will reduce stress, increase focus and mental clarity, and improve overall well-being.

Want to reduce stress and improve mental focus? A new app that promotes slow breathing may help.

One of the most efficient ways to reduce stress is to focus inward on one thing we can effectively control: our own breath.

Some people smoke to reduce stress, while others may eat more.

Full, deep breathing is a good way to reduce tension, feel relaxed, and reduce stress.

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