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The unusual creature was first spotted by South African biologists Mike Picker and Jonathan Colville.

It is true that we have not studied the newspaper as the biologists have studied, for example, the potato bug.

But this week Marine biologists received some glad tidings, which may help to preserve a few more such places.

Marine biologists say there is little research into the causes of shark attacks but point to several possibilities, all linked to humans themselves.

The project, which aimed to create an ecologically healthy forest on the site of a former rubber plantation, was founded five years ago by a pair of German biologists.

According to what has been reported in the Soviet "Science and Life" magazine, biologists in Moscow have discovered that a mold element in the cells of plants can not only control the propagation of plasmodium in mosquitoes, but can also kill mosquitoes.

Federal and state fisheries biologists are looking into the mystery.

Yet that is exactly what some evolutionary biologists are now proposing.

Rattlesnakes, boas and pythons sense their prey's heat directly with "wasabi receptors" in their snouts, biologists reported.

As important, molecular biologists have gone from thinking that they know roughly what is going on in their subject to suddenly realizing that they have barely a clue.

It is as if evolutionary biologists had been handed a time machine, allowing them to travel back into prehistory and take pictures of the animals and plants inhabiting the earth at a series of different epochs.

This word added zest to a new group of biologists.

They believe the data support an idea current among marine biologists, that of the “shifting baseline”.

Although biologists can easily induce extra limbs to grow on the flank of a tetrapod this cannot be done in the neck.

Most biologists now accept that the tree is not a fact of nature - it is something we impose on nature in an attempt to make the task of understanding it more tractable.

Altruism "is the biologists' term meaning kindness, generosity, and evolutionary biologists have worked really hard to explain why animals might evolve to be kind."

Few biologists want to see Darwin's theory filed in that category, but if that is its rightful place, then you can be sure that's exactly where one bold generation of biologists will file it-someday.

It's the sort of thing that we can put on a scale and prod with a stick and the biologists can study, presumably made up of various kinds of molecules, atoms and so forth.

Schuster is one of the biologists who found the new species.

Surrounded by a clutch of biologists from the Colorado Division of Wildlife, the young female from Canada remained obstinately curled inside her metal box.


Among evolutionary biologists, this idea is contested.

For centuries, biologists have known that bird bones are thin and hollow. Yet bird skeletons don't actually weigh any less than the skeletons of similarly sized mammals.

Fisheries biologists from 10 government agencies and private groups are working shifts to try to save the fish.

These are some of the questions that biologists try to answer.

Some biologists reckon the forest ones—smaller, with shorter, straighter tusks—may even constitute a distinct species.

Now biologists think they’ve discovered the trick.

When they finally set foot on the hidden-in-plain-sight mountain forest in 2008, what they found was practically a bio-dome paradise for biologists and botanists alike.

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