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“legacy system”簡單造句,legacy system造句子

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It also includes access to newly developed data feeds, produced by the legacy system, for the specific purpose of data access.

An enterprise cannot afford any disruption in these legacy systems.

The approaches it USES are tailored to use legacy systems and attempt to dissect and re-factor through data integration.

Wireless media is challenging — many variables are not yet under control; coverage is a big hindrance; legacy systems with different topologies and different platforms make things even tougher.

legacy system造句

This tightly couples the legacy system with every consumer of the data.

The right of inheritance, as a very important part of the legal relationship of property inheritance, is the core of all the legacy system.

Organizations with legacy systems see an increasing need to drive SOA adoption to derive great value out of their legacy systems.

Old projects exist as well (and this is OK) as it allows for developers to also learn how to maintain legacy systems.

Consider all the technology limitations of a legacy system before jumping ahead into a legacy modernization effort.

Business capabilities of the modern enterprise often warrant transactional capabilities from the infrastructure that are beyond the capabilities of the existing legacy system.

What mechanisms have been adopted for the integration of new and legacy systems?

This rule is especially applicable for enterprises with a large number of applications and legacy systems that need service orientation and integration.

Before going on about "heart surgery," we need to take one step back and state definitively that core systems modernization is not legacy system integration; it is much more than that.

Such services are usually legacy systems or packaged applications that do not offer cleanly defined, large-grained interfaces of the type specified by an SOA.

Do you develop your own products, work on customer projects, offer consulting services, or maintain and support a legacy system?

This is not an easy task, as demonstrated by our decades of struggling to create and reinvent numerous old and new, stove-piped rigid legacy systems.

This might be an application server layer hosting adaptors integrated with application or legacy systems.

For example, the selection of a packaged application may result in different software development practices being applied than if you were integrating a legacy system or building custom code.

The bottom-up approach is focused on enabling the functions of applications and legacy systems as services.

Hopefully, if the legacy system is a good one, most of your tests will pass.

But what if you have a legacy system that was not designed with patterns like adapters?

Tags:造句 Legacy
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