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"They are girls born rich, blessed with intelligence, good looks, trust funds, loving parents, boundless opportunities, freedom from many of life's daily vexing challenges," the book says.

If you spend too much time entangling, giving too much energy to the cold, vexing the change of the people, the change of the world, the bloom is also a crime, and the sun can not warm your cold hand.

I how to endure thus and miserably, still postponing, saying a lot of vexing matters, I why not let him arrive right away, I still have spirit to him, I still want to contend for to order what, know the combat only!

It's a vexing question, one that millions of people - and their doctors - face each year.

Unemployment and underemployment remain vexing issues and a major damper on recovery in consumer confidence and spending, so fixing these problems is a top priority.

By the same token, if literature has effects, it must have effects on someone, and this gives rise to the equally interesting and vexing question, "What is a reader?"

The system designed by Clidaras and Leung addresses many of the most vexing challenges in data center energy efficiency.

If winning the White House represents a resolution of the Obamas' struggles, it also means a new, higher-stakes confrontation with some of the vexing issues that fed those tensions.

It is really vexing to have to wait a long time for anyone.

One of the most vexing questions people have is why teenage girls don't run away more often from pimps who assault them and extract all the money they earn.

Lectures, exhibits and hands-on experiments will explore how chemical research can help solve vexing global problems related to food, water, health, energy and transportation.

Equally vexing to them was her decision to take a job teaching Mandarin in Thailand after graduation.

The part that was hardest to say still stayed pent up inside him, like phlegm stuck in the throat, as vexing as an itch that can't be scratched.


How to expand the EFSF again is at the heart of the troubles vexing European leaders.

Chicken noodle soup has been especially vexing, he said.

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