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Nursing of 30 cases of disseminated intravascular coagulation(DIC) of obstetrical department

Cu-Fe-Ni sulfides are disseminated both in the core of titaniferous iron ore and in the diallagite pegmatoid.

Confucius was respected and studied and disseminated all his life. Confucianism was deeply rooted in his consciousness. He could never change his beliefs in his later years.

Further development of disseminated tumor can spread from the lungs directly penetrated the chest wall, mediastinum, heart, vascular and other neighboring Tube organizations; After blood lymphatic metastasis to other parts of the body through the respiratory tract or disseminated to other lobe.

When Hitler's army invaded Moscow, the Kuomintang imperial scholar Gong Debo, under the direction of his master and son, publicly disseminated the argument that the Soviet Union was doomed to defeat, and showed his eyes for Chiang Kai-shek's further betrayal and surrender.

Their findings have been widely disseminated.

Clinical diagnosis and analysis of 72 cases of children acute disseminated encephalomyelitis

The administration has Fox News in its pocket, it has paid journalists for positive coverage, it has disseminated misinformation through the media, and it's ferociously attacking critical journalists.

The behaviour science theory has been widely disseminated in China, but whether it can play a specific role in business management depends on how well enterprise managers can understand and apply it.


They disseminated anti-French propaganda.

The copper is disseminated in small joint surfaces and cracks in the porphyries.

We have less evidence to show that these programs are being translated into field programs and disseminated widely enough to lower HIV prevalence rates among MSM.

The Tianjin Speech which disseminated and carried out the spirit of the Second Session of the Seventh Conference, contains the pith and marrow of Liu Shao-qi' s thoughts.

This case soon went down-hill to impending septic shock with disseminated intravascular coagulation.

This is the way the world is. The more secrets it requires to be kept secret, the easier it is to be disseminated.

Their research results have been widely disseminated.

Severe gram negative bacteria infection is a common cause of disseminated intravascular coagulation (DIC) and multiple organ failure (MOF).

A viral infection may be localized disseminated or inapparent.

Red tide warnings are disseminated to mariculturists and the public through the red tide support groups set up in different fish culture zones, press releases and the AFCD web site.

The belief in Mazu was disseminated into Chinese Hebei Province, Beijing and Tianjin from the Southeast Foreland, along with grain transported by canal or sea.

amplified, and disseminated.

In some high-grade disseminated ores, sulfides are also encountered as bands, reniform masses, and coatings associated with colloform textures.

In China, it was among the intellectuals and young students that Marxist-Leninist ideology was first widely disseminated and accepted.

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