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“5 mm”簡單造句,5 mm造句子

欄目: 造句 / 發佈於: / 人氣:2.16W

7、The effective diameter of the motor pulley is obtained by subtracting 5 mm from the outer diameter.

11、Further adjust to make hook point 4 nearly meet the center of needle 5, and adjust the clearance between needle 5 and hook point 4 to 0.02 to 0.05 mm. Then tighten hook screw 6.

15、Design of 2124 aluminium alloy 255 mm×1500 mm ingot specification casting tool

19、Wider gauge between flat and cylinder (more than 0.25 mm).

23、By the 8th fold (if you can get there), you have a blob of paper 1.25 mm long, but 12.8 mm thick.

27、CNC Hydraulic Press Brake offers "Conic Bending" up to a maximum of15 mm along the whole length.

1、Taproot cylindrical, ca. 5 mm thick.

5、Anthocarp clavate, 3-3.5 mm, 5-ribbed, with viscid glands and sparse pubescence, apex rounded.

10、Track, front 1685 mm

16、For heterogeneity phantom- 2 bones of pig with size 100 mm×25 mm.

21、For example, Nikon's $399.95 P500 offers a 36x zoom -- the equivalent of an 810 mm telephoto on a 35 mm camera -- but easily fits in a laptop bag.

26、建議你用一張A 4紙,大約300mm長,0.05 mm厚。

5 mm造句

2、Cut shrimps, squid, carrot into small pieces(4-5 mm).

8、A finger recess having a depth of at least about 5 mm is formed into the withdrawal end.

14、Dressing Practice of -0.5 mm Manganese Ore

22、However, the product has changed dramatically, from a single thickness of 6.8 mm to a range from sub-millimeter to 25 mm.

29、If the artery were perfused from a pulsatile pump with a 35 mm Hg pulse, we would record a pulsatile change in arterial volume.

6、Flowers: Sepals strongly ascending to appressed, longest 4 – 5 mm, corolla globose-urceolate, pentagonal, to 10 x 8 mm in diameter, petals apiculate, orange -red.

17、Coolidge, a Croatian inventor created what seems to be the world's smallest violin. The instrument is 28 mm long, 15 mm wide and 4 mm thick.

25、Prepared unrecorded of a width exceedig 4mm, but not exceedig 6.5 mm.

4、Rhizomes prostrate, 0.5-1.5 mm in diam., internodes 5-30 mm, nodes with 1 prophyll and 2 fine roots.

18、We have full stereo sound, video, 35 mm slides.

30、Two other cables from the receiving equipment drop in trunking in the central service duct of the tower block and then continue underground in 25 mm polythene conduit.

13、Length: 4539 mm, width: 1845 mm, wheelbase 2763 mm, minimum weight: 1155 kg including the driver.

3、Flowers1-2 in leaf axils, pedicels1 cm long, stout; bracts broadly ovate,4-5 mm long; sepals5, elliptic-ovate,7-8 mm long, apex rounded; petals5,8-10 mm long, base connate; stamens numerous,5-7 mm long.

24、SEM stages are now available that can handle wafers 125 mm and larger in diameter.

20、According to CRI Online of July 15, Coolidge, a Croatian inventor created what seems to be the world's smallest violin. The instrument is 28 mm long, 15 mm wide and 4 mm thick.

28、"1"(25 mm) and above sizes Model M2, M4 and M14 are standardly furnished with stainless steel thermostat tube."

12、後方環樞間距的距離小於13mm常常伴有神經學症狀,俯曲位c1 - C2平移超過5 mm也意味着預後不良。

9、Absorbent beads (solid fragrance agent-specific) products dry particle size 1.5-2.0mm , 2.0-2 . 5 mm, water-based essential oils absorb up to 60 times.

常用的長度單位,由大到小的排列順序是(     )A、dm,cm,mm;B、mm,μm,dm; C、nm,μm... 情景交際Reporter:Hello,I'mareporterfromtheradiostation.I'mm... 小MM經典語錄 3.某小島上原有果蠅20000只,其中基因型MM、Mm和mm的果蠅分別佔15%、55%和30%。若從島外入侵了... 下圖為美洲大陸略圖,圖中是西海岸部分地區1、2月和7、8月降水(單位:mm)資料。讀圖回答5、6題。5.下列地... 讀數填空:             ①(     )cm   ②(       )mm   ③(       ... (1)如圖中螺旋測微器讀數應為         mm;(2)遊標卡尺的計數為    mm. 讀世界某區域圖及*、乙、*三地氣候資料統計表,回答4~5題。序號①②③年降水量(mm)1432954851月均... 圖14-1遊標卡尺的讀數為       mm;圖14-2螺旋測微器讀數為       mm。        基因型為MM的綿羊有角,基因型為mm的綿羊有角,基因型為Mm的綿羊母羊無角,公羊有角。現有一頭有角母羊生了一頭... 讀出如圖當中物體的長度是  mm. *圖中游標卡尺的讀數為             mm;乙圖中螺旋測微器的讀數為            mm.;...  基因型為MM的綿羊有角,基因型為mm的綿羊無角,基因型為Mm的綿羊,母羊無角公羊有角,現有一頭有角母羊生了一... 閲讀表格中所提供的數據(*市),回答21~22題。降水量(mm)徑流總量(mm)地表徑流(mm)地下徑流(m... 降水量的單位是毫米(mm)。
⑴圖中游標卡尺讀數為    mm,螺旋測微器讀數為    mm。⑵(10分)右圖是測量阻值約幾十歐的未知電阻R... 下表為我國五個自治區行政中心城市氣候資料表。讀表格數據,回答3~4題。城市夏秋降水量(mm)冬春降水量(mm)... 《我在地鐵上用藍牙追到一個MM》經典語錄 如圖是測量硬*直徑的圖示.則該硬*的直徑是  mm. “5月5日”簡單造句,5月5日造句子 下面是我們學習“測量”與“運動”的兩個實驗。實驗序號一張紙的厚度/mm平均值/mm①②③(1)為了測量物理課本... 如圖是測量硬*直徑的圖示.則該硬*的直徑是   mm. “2004年5月5日”簡單造句,2004年5月5日造句子 下面兩圖中,左圖為*蘇省年平均氣温圖(℃)分佈示意圖,右圖為*蘇省年降水量(mm)分佈示意圖,讀圖完成5~6題...  赤峯市位於內蒙古自治區東南部,蒙、冀、遼三省區接壤處。讀赤峯市年降水量分佈(單位:mm)圖,完成4~5題。4... 如圖所示,刻度尺測得物體的長度為  mm; 圖1中*地年降水量約為1 000 mm,乙地年降水量約為500 mm圖2示意四地氣温年變化。據此完成6~7題。... 下表表示某兩種糖料作物的生長條件,回答4~5題。生長期(天)適宜温度(℃)最低氣温(℃)降水量(mm)土壤M3... 讀表,完成5~6題。*市中心區與郊區平原區水量比較表降水量(mm)徑流總量(m3)地表徑流量(m3)地下徑流... 完成下列單位的換算(1)1m=     mm;                        (2)10μm=...