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This one could be a prelude to the anger and disillusionment that is only beginning to swell.

The free-market consensus among parties in Western countries increased disillusionment among the poor, who felt they lacked any real choice between economic policies.

Believe it or not, some folks aren't sure what their purpose and goals in life are and live in a depressed state of aimless wondering and disillusionment. But it doesn't have to be like that!


They also experience disillusionment and heartache, causing them to fall back.

This disillusionment is pushing some Ukrainians to look for new faces, including those on the far right.

Investors talk of a growing disillusionment with big institutions, including corporations, government, Banks and political parties — as well as fears about the nation's heavy debt.

The utopianism of the book is, in many ways, the reverse side of the sense of profound disillusionment that he felt at the actual experience of the Athenian polis.

In a sign of growing disillusionment with the pension system, almost 40% of the self-employed fail to pay contributions.

Mr Zuma has been in power for a year, and inevitably voices of discontent and disillusionment have begun to be heard.

But it is also the result of Russian disillusionment with America.

Sleepless in Seattle allows the romantic to believe that love still heals the broken-heart, creates hope and fulfills dreams in an age of disillusionment and despair.

The danger with experience is that it often leads to disillusionment.

This time, thanks to disillusionment with the Socialists, his party has a double-digit poll lead and looks set to win an absolute majority, a feat that eluded Mr Zapatero.

On the campaign trail lately, Obama has been confronted by disillusionment — the woman who was “exhausted” defending him, the mother whose son campaigned for him but was now looking for work.

Property is not yet the subject of such disillusionment.

Only after passing through the "trough of disillusionment", during which expectations return to a more sensible level, are they widely adopted.

This script can lead to problems like workaholism, or the disillusionment many feel once they have "made it" financially.

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